english deutsch
Aeterni Patris
On the Restoration of Christian Philosophy. Encyclical promulgated 4 August, 1879. Philosophy can be a powerful aid to apologetics and theology. Commends Scholasticism in particular.
Apostolicae Curae
Papal bull on the nullity of Anglican orders, issued 18 September, 1896. Pronounces Anglican ordinations "absolutely null and utterly void."
Augustissimae Virginis Mariae
Encyclical on the Confraternity of the Rosary. Promulgated 12 September, 1897.
Auspicato Concessum
On St. Francis of Assisi. Encyclical promulgated 17 September, 1882.
Custodi di quella fede
Encyclical addressed to the Italian people in particular, repeats condemnation of Freemasonry. Promulgated 8 December, 1892.
Dall'alto dell'Apostolico Seggio
Encyclical on Freemasonry in Italy. Promulgated 15 October, 1890.
Grande Munus
Encyclical on SS. Cyril and Methodius, promulgated 30 September, 1880.
Humanum Genus
Encyclical condemning Freemasonry. Promulgated 20 April, 1884.
Iucunda Semper Expectatione
On the Rosary. Also touches on Mary's role in pointing people to God. Encyclical promulgated 8 September, 1894.
Laetitiae Sanctae
Says that meditation on each set of mysteries of the rosary remedies a specific danger in modern society. Encyclical promulgated 8 September, 1893.
Magnae Dei Matris
Encyclical promulgated 8 September, 1892. Commends the rosary for its power to increase love for Christ, and to inspire a virtuous life.
Militantis Ecclesiae
Encyclical on St. Peter Canisius. Also praises learning. Promulgated 1 August, 1897.
Octobri Mense
On the Rosary. Encyclical promulgated 22 September, 1891.
Paterna Caritas
Encyclical on reunion with Rome. Urges the Armenian Rite Catholics to be united with each other and to be shining examples of Christian life. Promulgated 25 July, 1888.
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
Taken from a 1935 Raccolta. The prayers to St. Michael, as composed by Leo XIII.
Providentissimus Deus
Encyclical on the study of Holy Scripture, promulgated 18 November, 1893. Each chapter in its own file. With concordances and word frequency lists.
Providentissimus Deus
Encyclical on the study of Holy Scripture. Promulgated 18 November, 1893. In former times, the Church had to contend with private interpretation, but now Catholics must also refute those who deny revelation. All in one file, 63K.
Quamquam Pluries
Encyclical on devotion to St. Joseph, promulgated on August 15, 1889.
Quarto Abeunte Saeculo
Encyclical issued on the occasion of the Columbus Quadricentennial, in 1892. Paints Christopher Columbus as an exemplary Catholic motivated by a desire to advance the Christian faith.
Quod Apostolici Muneris
Encyclical on socialism. Promulgated 28 December, 1878. Condemns socialism, communism, and nihilism as a "wicked confederacy."
Rerum Novarum
Encyclical on capital and labor, promulgated 15 May, 1891. The birth of modern Catholic social teaching, as the pope wrestles with the alienating effects of the Industrial Revolution. 82K.
Superiore Anno
On the recitation of the rosary. Previous year's October Marian devotions judged a success. Also mentions cholera epidemic then sweeping France and Italy. Encyclical promulgated 30 August, 1884.
Supremi Apostolatus Officio
Encyclical promulgated September 1, 1883. Testifies to the rosary's venerability and power, and exhorts the faithful to its frequent use.
Vi è Ben Noto
Addressed to the bishops of Italy. Begs them to encourage praying the rosary for the pope in his hour of need. Encyclical promulgated 20 September, 1887.