Ad Tuendam Fidem, Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities, Apostolic Letter for the Fourth Centenary of the U, Apostolos Suos, Augustinum Hipponensem, Catechesi Tradendae, Catechesi Tradendae, Centesimus Annus, Centesimus Annus, Christifideles Laici
American Catholic: Pope John Paul II
A look at the papacy of John Paul II, including biographical information, papal teachings and individual articles on papal trips.
An Influential Pontiff
Includes a video biography of Pope John Paul II, possible successors, photographic biography, and legacy. From CNN.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Pope John Pau
Articles, timeline, papal succession, and a forum.
BBC News In Depth: Pope John Paul II
Features video and audio broadcasts, biography, news, background stories, a biography, and photographs. John Paul II
Biographical essay on the pope.
CBS News: Pope John Paul II, 1920-2005
Special report on the occasion of the pope's death includes reflections on his life and legacy, speculation on possible successors, features on American Catholics in Rome.
Chicago Tribune: Pope John Paul II, 1920-2005
News stories, timeline (in Flash). Reports in RealVideo format require free registration.
Death of Pope John Paul II, 1920-2005
News items, reflections on his life and appraisals of his legacy. Also, a walk through the process of a papal election. From MSNBC.
John Paul II
Cover essay on the "Man of the Year." [Time]
John Paul II: The Millennial Pope
Film biography examines the life, character and legacy of Pope John Paul II. [Frontline]
Los Angeles Times: Pope John Paul II
Includes photographs, articles, commentaries, timeline, videos, and a PDF file explaining aspects of the pope's funeral.
Patron Saints Index: Pope John Paul II
Biographical profile, list of people he has beatified or canonized, image gallery. Documents grouped by year, in reverse chronological order.
Pope John Paul II
Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the pope with programs and online features. [BBC]
Pope John Paul II
Profiled by William F. Buckley. [Time]
Pope John Paul II: A Tribute
From National Public Radio. Features a timeline, articles, commentary, and audio broadcasts of some of the pope's speeches.
Pope John Paul II: The Pilgrim Pope
Biographical profile with photos, quotes from his writings and speeches, timeline, summary of most important writings, brief essays on aspects of his pontificate, archive of news articles, opinion pieces. From CBC News.
Pope News
BBC section dedicated to news and feature stories related to the pope. News: Pope John Paul II
Articles and aggregated news feeds. News: Pope John Paul II
Articles and aggregated news feeds.
The Holy See: John Paul II
At the Vatican's web site. Biography. Archive of his papal writings and transcripts of speeches. Classified by type of document, then in reverse chronological order. All of his encyclicals are online, but sometimes spotty coverage of other material before 1999.
The New York Times: Pope John Paul II
News and analysis. Archive of news stories from key moments in his pontificate, in PDF. Multimedia files in Flash. Requires free registration.
The Pontificate of Pope John Paul II
Features the pope's biography and his writings.
Times Newspapers: Pope John Paul II
Recent articles on the late pontiff.
Washington Post: Pope John Paul II, 1920-2005
Special section includes multimedia photo gallery (in Flash), articles on his life, and information on papal succession.
Wikipedia: Pope John Paul II
Article on his pontificate, with extensive hyperlinks.