english deutsch
A Catholic Page for Lovers
An oasis in cyberspace celebrating the beauty of holiness, the holiness of beauty, and the romance of orthodoxy, the greatest love ever known.
A Son Becomes a Father
Online journal of Todd Reitmeyer, from the Diocese of Sioux Falls.
Amy Welborn's Homepage: A Spirited Life
Mom, columnist, and book author from Indiana. Tells about herself, her family, her likes. "Patron saint" Flannery O'Connor and other Catholic writers. Book reviews, essays, blog. Some pages not visible in Netscape.
Articles by Father Tony Stanganelli
Grab bag of essays on the Catholic theology of the sacraments of baptism and confession, parenting, purgatory, grief.
Arul Nathan Catholic Prayers Site
His testimony, a description of deliverance, report of a eucharistic miracle, links.
Ashley Jean's Web Page
Answers to questions about the Catholic Church. Also Catholic music, art, and discussion.
Benedict Tang
Personal home page of a student in Singapore, Catholic and proud of it. Includes a directory of all the Catholic web sites in Singapore that he can find.
Brother James' Homepage
A member of the Brothers of Christian Instruction, a.k.a. the De La Mennais Brothers, in Liverpool. About himself, his order, Christian rock music, and cycling.
By Grace Alone
Original stories that chronicle a woman's search for love and truth and discovery of those values where she least expected it.
Callado, Almes
Essays and links about the Church, Catholic beliefs, the priesthood and Popes through the years, and recent scandals. Includes various audio clips.
Catholic Christian Page of Inquiry
Historical quotes by topic, inspirational stories, original essays on theology.
Catholic Home Page
Kurt Garcia is a Knight of Columbus in Metairie, Louisiana. Profiles of his favorite priests, links to Catholic news sites, list of famous converts, the story of the Thai martyrs, favorite musicians.
Catholic Homeschooling in Hawaii
Family of three has just started homeschooling a third-grader. Prayers, religious pictures, pro-life page, links.
Catholic Messages USA
Spiritual insight into the state of the Church and the world. Extensive site is the work of Vincent Bemowski, and dedicated to his wife Loretta, who has suffered from Huntington's Disease for many years.
Catholic Stuff
Catholic, well, stuff: prayers and novenas, calendar of saints, apologetics.
Coming Home
Shelley tells of her conversion, her diagnosis of lupus, her marriage to a wonderful man named Tom. Also saints, favorite quotations, causes she supports.
Conservative Catholic
Eric Brauer's personal page. He is a proponent of conservative Catholicism and conservative politics.
David Spiritual Links
Home page on spirituality, particularly on Catholic Christian spirituality, with numerous links to agencies, associations, dioceses, churches, personal home pages, schools.
Deacon Bob McGovern's Homepage
Philosophy of life, homilies preached, favorite links of a permanent deacon in New Jersey.
Deacon Mike's Web Page
Mike is a permanent deacon for the Archdiocese of Chicago. About him and his family, links of interest to Catholics.
Educational and Inspirational Tools for Educators
Links on many Catholic and Christian topics, plus original material, including travelogue and photos. Traditional Catholic perspective.
Enjoy the Freedom of God
Personal web site of Fr. Pius Edwin Sammut, O.C.D. Original reflections and meditations. Collected stories, quotes, humor. Carmel, Neocatechumenate, Desert Fathers, Malta. In English and Maltese.
Father Depaul Genska, OFM
Franciscan priest at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago has been involved for many years in ministry with persons in heterosexual prostitution. Biography, perspectives on prostitution, request for prayers.
Father Mark's Spot
Fr. Mark Kunigonis's personal page has a small archive of homilies, and thoughts on the Blessed Mother and on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella.
Father Pat's Place
Huge site by and about Fr. Pat Umberger, a priest of the Diocese of La Crosse. His story, family photos, saints, links.
Father Patrick S. Healy
Personal page of a Josephite priest who did two tours of duty with the Multinational Force and Observers along the border between Egypt and Israel. Photos of the Holy Land, of New Orleans, and other favorite places and people.
Father Terry's Verbal Conscience
Fr. Terry Fulton of the Diocese of Sacramento. Hobbies, a history of the Church (in progress), "Why do we [Catholics] do that?", and of course Catholic links.
Franciszkowa Strona
Personal page: about BVM, the Pope, and saints. Many photographs. [English and Polish]
Historical Curiosities
Benedictine monk and priest's personal site with military miniatures gallery, Tandy 1000 software archive, essays on various topics related to Catholicism.
Home is where Jesus lives!
Thoughts of Jonathan Kavanagh, stories, helpful links.
I Am a Roman Catholic
Personal page of Francis Lim Chin Choy, from Melaka, Malaysia. The Catholic Church, the Bible, favorite religious order, favorite religious pictures.
Jason Michelizzi's Homepage
A student in computer science at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Books in his library, a review of the film "Quo Vadis?", information on Catholic prayers and what Vatican II really said, liturgical links.
Jesus' Fishnet
Jesus is the true light and the true physician. Defense of the unjustly maligned Blessed Pope Pius IX. Sections on the Name of Jesus, current issues. Catholic graphics. Requires JavaScript, but has popups and many JavaScript errors.
Jon Guidry
Original poems, links to his IRC friends, Catholic links.
Jon's fRimMin' Space
Jon Zuck's site, celebrating God's love. A little about Jon, some original poetry and essays, book reviews, spirituality.
Journey into the Church
This site is dedicated to sharing the spirit of Catholicism through prayers, facts, and sharing personal experiences.
Krzysztof Madel
Writings (in Polish and English) and artwork of Jesuit priest in Krakow.
Life to the Fullest
Fellowship and homeschool resources, including mailing lists, pro life information, and Catholic information resources.
Munachi's homepage of African Christian inspiration. Igbo (Nigerian) missionary priest offers an introduction to the Bible, an essay on African Catholic theology, and sermons (updated weekly). Also features his own inspirational poems and stories.
Macrina's Window
Author and spiritual guide, Sister Macrina Wiederkehr. Includes prayers, retreat schedule and book links.
Martin Badenhorst, O.P.
Personal site of Martin Badenhorst, who claims to be "the only living specimen of an Afrikaans Dominican priest" with a web page.
Mary's Collection of Catholic Prayers
Prayers, chaplets, Catholic humor, the Stringfellow family, links. Requires frames.
Matt and Judy Najera
Family photographs, Matt's testimony. Links to favorite Scripture, pro-life, and Catholic music sites.
Me as a Catholic
About Jim. Originally from Scotland, now a student at Lambton College in Ontario, who hopes to join the Fathers of Mercy.
An orthodox Roman Catholic lay apostolate loyal to the Magisterium emphasizing devotion to the Virgin Mary, apologetics, Catechism resources and evangelism.
Michael Marshall's Webpage
About Michael, a convert to Catholicism who is currently in the novitiate with the Claretians. Includes prayer by Thomas Merton, links, and a blog.
Nothing for Granted
Parish priest Fr. Peter Timmins shares his homilies, grouped by category. Also quotations, message boards, and two of his books available for free in PDF format.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Praise Forum
Lynden Rodriguez, OCDS. Focus on Carmelite spirituality. Has a "chapel" where you can submit prayer requests, galleries of icons and illustrated scenes from Scripture, music, newsletter, links.
Richard Cross Home Page
A series of intriguing essays, many of them considering the role of faith in the lives of individuals.
Rick's Page on Catholicism (& Other Good
Ricardo Garcia, from Mexico, offers devotional texts, essays on apologetics, testimonies, and original articles on hot topics from a Christian perspective. In English and Spanish.
Scott Opperman
Cradle Catholic studying theology at the University of Durham. C.V., photo galleries, samples of his writings and art works, and copious links.
Sean Ó Lachtnáin's Home Page
Former adherent of the schismatic SSPX. Site includes his reasons for breaking with the Society, a summary of dogmas of the Church, devotional material, information on a Cistercian abbey in Australia, apologetics, links.
Taking Five
Commentaries by Ruth Bertels on various topics, including the Mass, married priests, women's place in society and church, saints, finding God in a secular world.
The Archdiocese of the Internet
"Bro. Mike" has put together an elaborate bilingual (English and Spanish) Catholic site using the metaphor of a virtual archdiocese. Music, prayers, devotions, saints, a memorial wall, a prayer group. And you can become a "member".
The Dieterich Web Site
Personal site of Henry Dieterich, who lives in Michigan. How he came to be Catholic, some of his writing, photos, and a blog.
The Domain of Daren J. Zehnle
The page of a seminarian for the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. Site contains testimony, inspiration, jokes, links.
The Feast of All Saints
An invitation to prayer and reflection, following the steps of so many great saints who teach us how to pray and to live and love truly.
The Mystical Rose Catholic Page
Celebrating the beauty of Catholicism.
The Power of Prayer
Gloria Perri's page. Prayers, MIDI files, holidays.
The Sacred Heart
Dan Macri's site. Prayer, saints, music, religious artwork, Advent.
Theist Gal
Catholic turned atheist tells why she came back to Catholicism again. Her thoughts on the recent scandals. Where she hangs out. Links. And a hilarious spoof on "conversion" spurred by ignorant anti-Catholic nutcases.
Theotokos Catholic Website
Promoting Fatima and other approved Marian apparitions, but also looking at other topics such as apparition discernment, creation/evolution, Catholic movements and communities.
Thomas Hurley's Catholic Web Site
Opinions, essays, reviews, and quotes from a Catholic perspective.
Thomas Joseph's Web Page
From Kerala, India. Japamaala (Rosary), devotional songs, and offer of e-mail counseling in Malayalam, essay in English on the power of prayer.
Touching Stories
Fr. Kazimierz Kubat, a Pole who is a Salvatorian missionary to Africa, shares some inspiring and thought-provoking stories he has encountered.
Wandering Preacher
Personal page of Fr. Paul R. Fagan, C.P., a.k.a. Preacherman.
Wilkins, Shawn
Seminary student discusses his call to priesthood, and introduces his family.
William J. Harry, O. Carm.
Collection of pages and links on a wide range of topics including religion, genealogy, education, and reading.