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Catholic Parishes of St. Clare and St. John the Ba
Two parishes share a pastor and a web site. St. Clare's is in North Lake, and St. John's is in Monches. Mass schedule for both, how to get in touch, parish council members, staff directory, archive of bulletins and newsletter (both in PDF).
Church of St. Patrick
Hudson. Mission statement, Mass schedule, contact information, map and directions, bulletin, parish history. Frames-dependent.
Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed
New Richmond. Contact information, Mass schedule, parish history, calendar.
Good Shepherd Parish
Menomonee Falls. Mass times, how to start planning a wedding or baptism, map, staff directory.
Holy Apostles Catholic Church
New Berlin. Mission statement, Mass schedule, upcoming events, current bulletin (in PDF), information on the church's ministries.
Holy Family Parish
Arcadia. Contact information, Mass schedule, map.
Immaculate Conception Parish
Saukville. Staff, history, liturgy schedule, maps, FAQs, contact information.
Queen of Apostles Congregation
Pewaukee. Mass times, events calendar, parish history.
Sacred Heart Parish
Shawano. Contact information, Mass times, staff directory, sacramental policies, annual events, information on the church's ministries.
Saint Anne
Somerset. Staff directory, contact information, mission statement, Mass schedule, sacramental policies, brief history.
Saint Anne Catholic Church
Pleasant Prairie. Includes Mass times, e-mail addresses, Catholic news.
Saint Anthony's Parish
Pewaukee. Maps and directions, Mass schedule, mission statement, parish history, staff directory.
Saint Bruno Parish
Dousman. Mass schedule, staff photo directory, upcoming events, parish council committees, directions from I-94.
Saint Charles Catholic Church
Hartland. Mass schedule, sacramental policies, parish history, staff directory, mission statement, biography of their patron saint.
Saint Dominic Catholic Church
Brookfield. Mass schedule, map and directions. Who's in their cemetery. Staff directory, archive of past month's bulletins (both in PDF).
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
New Berlin. Parish history, vision statement, Mass schedule, current bulletin (in PDF), staff directory, parish handbook, biography of their patron saint, wedding information packet (in PDF).
Saint Francis Borgia Catholic Church
Cedarburg. Parish has two churches. Mission statement, Mass schedule, map, directions to both churches, parish history, staff directory, organizations.
Saint James
Menomonee Falls. Mass schedule, staff directory, recent bulletins (in PDF), archive of newsletters (in PDF), how to become a parish member.
Saint James Catholic Parish
Mukwonago. Archive of bulletins (in PDF), Mass schedule, mission statement, staff directory, calendar (in PDF), committee chairpersons, sacramental policies.
Saint Jerome Catholic Church
Oconomowoc. Mission statement, liturgy schedule and sacramental policies, bulletins (in PDF), information on parish school.
Saint Joan of Arc Congregation
Nashotah. Mission statement, Mass schedule, archive of bulletins (in PDF), calendar, staff directory.
Saint John Neumann Catholic Church
Waukesha. Liturgy schedule, staff directory, mission statement, current bulletin (in PDF), sacramental policies, parish council minutes.
Saint John the Baptist Parish
Green Bay. Contact information, mission statement, Mass schedule, staff, calendar, bulletin. JavaScript-dependent.
Saint John Vianney Catholic Church
Brookfield. Mass schedule, sacramental policies, bulletins for the past month (in PDF), minutes of various parish committees, calendar (in PDF), information on the church's ministries.
Saint Joseph Catholic Faith Community
Big Bend. Mission statement, Mass schedule, calendar, plans for parish festival.
Saint Leonard Congregation
Muskego. Mission statement, Mass schedule, staff directory, parish committees, opportunities for service, map and directions.
Saint Luke Catholic Church
Brookfield. Staff directory, Mass schedule, mission statement, archive of bulletins for the last month (in PDF), calendar (in PDF).
Saint Maria Goretti Catholic Church
Madison. Contact information, Mass schedule, news, parish history, information on parochial school.
Saint Mary Parish
Colby. Mass schedule, contact information, events calendar.
Saint Mary Parish
Menomonee Falls. Mission statement, upcoming events, sacramental policies, bulletin archive (in PDF), Mass schedule, office hours.
Saint Mary's Catholic Church
Waukesha. Mass times, directions, current bulletin (in PDF), kids' coloring pages, staff profiles.
Saint Mary's Visitation Parish
Elm Grove. Contact information, brief history, Mass schedule, directions, staff directory.
Saint Patrick Parish
Cottage Grove. Mass schedule, contact information, brief parish history, staff directory, organizations, photo gallery. Frames-dependent.
Saint Paul Parish
Genesee Depot. Mission statement, staff directory, parish council members, Mass schedule, sacramental policies, map and directions, news items, calendar, and information on the church's elementary school.
Saint Philip the Apostle Parish
Green Bay. Mission statement, office hours, staff directory, parish committees, and information on their parochial school.
Saint Pius X Catholic Church
Appleton. Provides news and information about the parish, as well as information about leaders, events, and organizations.
Saint Rita Parish
Racine. Augustinian parish. Contact information, mission statement, Mass schedule, staff and volunteers, information on parochial school. "Fr. Jack's Book Club" features short reviews of good books.
Saint Theresa Catholic Church
Eagle. Mass schedule, mission statement, bulletin (in PDF), contact persons, directions.
Saint Vincent de Paul Parish
Wisconsin Rapids. Mass schedule, news, parish information.