english deutsch
Church of Corpus Christi
Bismarck. Contact information, mission statement, liturgy schedule, parish history, map, phone directory.
Church of St. Charles Borromeo, and St. Raphael&ap
St. Charles is in Oakes, and serves St. Raphael's, in Verona. Contact information, history, Mass schedule.
Church of the Holy Spirit
Fargo. Provides bulletins and newsletters, Sunday readings and liturgies, pastoral and administrative staff directory, and related links.
Church of the Nativity
Fargo. Contact information, staff directory, mission statement, liturgy schedule.
Saint Anthony of Padua Parish
Fargo. Mission statement, contact information, worship schedule, staff directory, brief parish history.
Saint Augustine Parish
Fessenden. Also serves St. Joseph's (in Bremen) and St. William's (Maddock). Phone number, Mass schedule for all three churches.
Saint Bernard and Holy Trinity
Two churches share a pastor and a web site. St. Bernard's is in Oriska, and Holy Trinity is in Fingal. Contact information, Mass schedule for both churches.
Saint Paul's Newman Center
Chapel at North Dakota State University in Fargo. Contact information, Mass schedule, upcoming events, staff directory.