Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church and S
Omaha and Lincoln, respectively. Byzantine-Ukrainian Rite. Contact information, Divine Liturgy schedule, bulletin.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community
Grand Island. Contact information, worship schedule, staff directory, parish organizations.
North American Martyrs Catholic Church
Lincoln. Contact information, Mass schedule, mission statement. Too wide for smaller monitors.
Sacred Heart Parish
Norfolk parish with two churches: Sacred Heart and St. Mary's. Sacred Heart Church offers Mass in English and Spanish. Mission statement, contact information, Mass schedules, staff directory. Graphics-dependent.
Saint Columbkille Parish
Papillion. Contact information, mission statement, Mass schedule, organizations, virtual tour.
Saint Gerald's Parish
Ralston. Mass schedule, contact information, staff directory.
Saint James Catholic Church
Omaha. Contact information, how to register, staff directory, Mass schedule, information on the church's organizations and ministries.
Saint John's Parish
Omaha. Jesuit parish on the campus of Creighton University. Contact information, worship times, architectural history and guide to the stained glass windows, information for those interested in becoming Catholic.
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Lincoln. Contact information, mission statement, photos, liturgy schedule, parish history.
Saint Joseph Church
Beatrice. Contact information, Mass schedule, bulletin, organizations. Lists Mass times all around the Lincoln Diocese.
Saint Leo Catholic Church
Omaha. Contact information, staff photo directory, Mass schedule. Graphics- and frames-dependent, and too big (too tall, too wide) for most monitors.
Saint Mary's Catholic Church
Lincoln. Location and contact information, Mass and Confession schedule, announcements, organizations.
Saint Matthew the Evangelist Catholic Church
Bellevue. Worship schedule, contact information, staff directory, organizations.
Saint Michael's Catholic Church
Tarnov. History, photos, Mass schedule.
Saint Patrick's Roman Catholic Church
Elkhorn. Contact information, Mass schedule, monthly calendar.
Saint Philip Neri Parish
Omaha. Contact information, Mass schedule, historical timeline, mission statement, bulletin, personnel, calendar.
Saint Stephen the Martyr Catholic Church
Omaha. Contact information, Mass schedule, bulletin (graphics-dependent), staff directory, events calendar.
Saint Thomas Aquinas Newman Center
Lincoln. Parish for college students. Mass times, map, contact information.
Saint Wenceslaus Catholic Church
Omaha. Contact information, mission statement, Mass times, staff directory.