english deutsch
Church of the Holy Cross
Dover. Contact information, mission statement, history, Mass schedule, bulletin.
Holy Family Church
Newark. Contact information, staff directory, regular schedule, weekly calendar.
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Wilmington. Contact information, current events, Mass schedule.
Resurrection Parish
Wilmington. Contact information. Making heads or tails of anything else requires a tables-capable browser.
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
Bear. Mass schedule, events calendar, contact information.
Saint John the Beloved Parish
Wilmington. Mass schedule, bulletin, announcements, church groups, staff directory. Uses frames, requires Flash.
Saint Joseph's Parish
Middletown. Contact information, staff directory, Mass schedule.
Saint Margaret of Scotland Roman Catholic Church
Currently in Newark, Delaware; eventual permanent location in Glasgow. Contact information, Mass schedule, bulletin, mission statement.
Saint Mary Magdalen Parish
Mission statement, contact information, Mass schedule, staff directory. Wilmington, Delaware.
Saint Mary of the Assumption
Mass schedule, contacts, and parish history. Hockessin, Delaware.