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Christ the King Parish
Regina. Mass times, map, news items, archive of bulletins in PDF, calendar in PDF.
Church of Our Lady
Moose Jaw. Liturgy schedule, bulletin, parish directory, Catholic schools in Moose Jaw, profile of parish minister. Also has online Stations of the Cross.
Holy Cross Parish
Regina. Mass schedule, bulletin archive, calendar, map, parish history.
Holy Rosary Cathedral
Seat of the Archdiocese of Regina. Contact information, architectural highlights, historical timeline, Mass times, staff directory. Uses frames.
Saint Cecilia Roman Catholic Parish
Regina. Mass times, profiles of the pastor and parish minister, bulletin archive, calendar, parish ministries.
Saint Henry's Church
Melville. Staffed by the Missionary Oblates. Contact information, current bulletin, Mass schedule and sacramental policies, parish history.
Saint Peter's Catholic Church
Regina. Contact information, Mass times, current bulletin, parish history. Uses frames.
Saint Vincent de Paul Parish
Weyburn. Worship schedule, photos of the church building and parish hall.