english deutsch
Jesuit Volunteer Corps
Serve the homeless, the unemployed, refugees, people with AIDS, the elderly, street youth, abused women and children, the mentally ill and the developmentally disabled.
Mercy Volunteer Corps
A volunteer program of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas that invites women and men to service with people who are economically poor or marginalized.
National Evangelization Teams, USA
Young adult volunteers lead retreats for Catholic teens and families. Description of programs, contact information, how to join or support NET.
Providence Volunteer Ministry
Offers an option to lay men and women who are interested in ministering with the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana. Placement in the United States and Taiwan.
Reach Youth Ministry
Young single Catholics who volunteer to serve for a year. The ministry provides retreat programs for students in the United States and Canada.
Redemptorist Volunteer Ministries
A Catholic organization that helps young adults share and live out their faith. Web site of Sarnelli House, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with news of RVM programs on the East Coast.