All about the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary
Women religious: Presentation of Mary, Marie Rivier Sisters. On discernment, formation, retreats, hope and prayer. A young Catholic community.
Presentation Sisters - New Orleans, Louisiana
Showcase of the Catholic Congregation of Presentation Sisters, founded in Ireland, and the beautiful stained-glass icon of Nano Nagle, Foundress of the Order.
Sisters of the Presentation of Mary - Internationa
Information on the worldwide presence and work of the congregation.
Sisters of the Presentation of Mary - Manchester P
A Roman Catholic Congregation of religious women dedicated to education of the faith. An international order found in 17 countries and five continents.
Sisters of the Presentation of Mary - Methuen, Mas
One of the Provinces of one of 2 International Presentation Congregation. These are the Congregation founded in France in the 1790's.
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin
The Presentation Sisters from the Dubuque Congregation, and their mission and lives.
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin
The Presentation Sisters and their presence in the Fargo Diocese.
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin
Roman Catholic religious congregation of women formed in 1997 from Fitchburg, MA, and Newburgh, NY, Presentation Sisters. Administration Center:New Windsor, NY. Foundress: Nano Nagle, Ireland,1775. Gospel mission and ministry.
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin
Website of the Presentation Sisters in Australia.
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin
Informationon the history, vocations, charism, mission and where they are now.
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin
Their history and mission today in the UK.
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin
The Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, are a community of Catholic women religious committed to living and transmitting the message of Jesus Christ through prayer and service. In the tradition of their foundress, Nano Nagle, they seek to promote a society which respects the dignity of all persons with emphasis on compassion and justice for the poor and oppressed. They are located in San Francisco, California.
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin
Society of Presentation Sisters in Australia and PNG. Addresses and member information on each of the six autonomous Australian Congregations.
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin
Information on their history, charism and what their current mission is.
The PresentationCongregation
History and current events from the congregation in Ireland