Adorers of the Blood of Christ
Women living a commitment to God and a commitment to the "dear neighbor."
Adorers of the Blood of Christ - International Sit
Official International Webpages of the Congregation of the Adorers of Blood of Christ.
An article from the Catholic Encyclopedia
Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood
Go out to all the world...
Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood
Founded by Abbot Francis Pfanner in Mariannhill, South Africa, the sisters now live and work in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Amerika. Site in five languages. Missiezusters van het Kostbaar Bloed, Søstrene af det dyrebare blod, Irmãs Missionárias do Precioso Sangue, Missionsschwestern vom Kostbaren Blut.
Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood - Mariawa
A retreat center ran by the sisters in Shillington, Pennsylvania. Group, private and directed retreats available
Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood - North A
Information about where they live, work, their charism and vocational information.
Precious Blood Leadership Conference
Organization of the different Precious Blood Congregations.
Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood - Lafayette
One of the convents of the Sister Adorers of the Precious Blood.
Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood - Brooklyn a
Monasteries of Roman Catholic vowed contemplative women, living in cloistered communities dedicated to prayer.
Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood, Watertown,
The Community of the Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood is a contemplative community of Pontifical right founded in 1861 by Catherine Aurelia Caouette in St. Hyacinth, Canada.
Sisters of the Most Precious Blood - O'Fallon
A Congregation of Roman Catholic sisters following the Precious Blood spirituality.
Sisters of the Precious Blood - Dayton, Ohio
A Congregation of Roman Catholic sisters in Dayton, Ohio following the Precious Blood spirituality.