Daughters of Charity in Great Britain
An international community of Catholic women, following Jesus Christ in the spirit of St Vincent and St Louise caring for broken, disadvantaged or marginalised people.
Daughters of Charity of Evansville, IN
Website for Daughters of Charity, Mater Dei Provincialate, in Evansville, Indiana. Information about the Daughters of Charity (history, vocations, current events, and contacts.)
Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent De Paul
Overview of the Daughters of Charity
Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent DePaul Interna
International site of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent DePaul. Locational and history information.
Daughters of Charity of St.Vincent de Paul - Emmit
The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent dePaul are an apostolic community of women throughout the world whose charism is service to the poor. There are 5 provinces in the US. The Emmitsburg, MD Province includes the Southeastern part of the US where the Daughters staff and/or sponsor many kinds of works: schools, hospitals, outreaches to the poor and homeless, child care centers, foreign missions, social works, and clinics.
Seton Institute
Assisting Catholic religious women abroad to build healthier communities in lesser developed countries.
Sisters of Charity USA Federation Home Page
An overview of 13 congregations in the Sisters of Charity Order in North America.
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati - Cincinnati, Ohi
A congregation of vowed Roman Catholic women within the Order of Sisters of Charity.
Sisters of Charity of Jesus & Mary - Pakistan
Community life of Sisters of Charity of Jesus & Mary in Pakistan. Their history in Pakistan, their charism and locations.
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth - Leavenworth, K
A Congregation of vowed Roman Catholic women within the Charity Order, following the charism of the founder Saint Vincent de Paul.
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth - Nazareth, Kentuck
The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth are involved in social, health and educational ministries in India, Belize, Central America, Botswana and the U.S. The congregation, near Bardstown, Ky., was founded by Mother Catherine Spalding in 1812.
Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill - Greensburg, Pen
A Congregation within the Charity/Vincentian/Setonian tradition.
Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine - Richfield, O
A Congregation of vowed Roman Catholic women that are part of the Sisters of Charity Order
Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth - Convent Stat
A congregation in the Federation of Sisters of Charity.
Sisters of Charity of St. Joan Antida
International congregation of vowed Roman Catholic women. Founded by St. Joan Antida a former novice of the Daughters of Charity.
Sisters of Charity of St. Paul the Apostle
The Sisters of Charity of St. Paul the Apostle. Mostly a teaching order with houses in UK, Ireland, South Africa and Romania.
Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul - Halif
A Congregation founded by a pupil of St. Elizabeth Seton in the 1850's.
Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul of New Y
New York based congregation within the Federation of Sisters of Charity.
Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Du
A congregation within the sisters of Charity Order, based in Dubuque, Iowa.
Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception
Sisters of Charity Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Information for women wanting to do charity work,interested in accompanying the poor, mission work, healthcare, Peru and the arts
Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception of
The official website of the Order of the Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception of Ivrea (SCIC Ivrea) located in Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania, USA.
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word - San Ant
Founded in 1869 in San Antonio, Texas they now have missions in the USA, Mexico, and Peru.
Vincentian Sisters of Charity - Pittsburgh, Pennsy
A Congregation within the Vincentian order.