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Charter of Abbey of Cluny
From the Medieval Sourcebook.
Cistercian Order Of The Common Observance
A history of the order.
Cluny and Church Reform
Article from the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies.
Cluny, Congregation of
The earliest reform, which became practically a distinct order, within the Benedictine family.
Dominicans and Black Friars
A set of short essays on the Dominicans from the BELIEVE website.
Francis Parkman & the Jesuits of North America
An examination of the historical coverage the Jesuits received in North America. By John Carrigg, Professor of History at Franciscan University.
Franciscan Order
An article on the history of the Franciscan order and its role within the Catholic church. From the Catholic Encyclopedia.
Franciscan Views on Papal and Royal Sovereignty
An essay contending that the Franciscans had a vital role in promoting Papal authority.
Regulations of the Property of Cluny
The Abbey of Cluny was the forerunner for a reformed and stricter monasticism. From the Medieval Sourcebook.
Religious Orders, The Indian, And The Conquest: F
Article on the role of Religious Orders in the conversion of Spanish America.
A general term denoting several groups of Friars Minor, existing in the second half of the thirteenth and the beginning of the fourteenth centuries, who, in opposition to the main body of the order, pretended to observe the Rule of St. Francis in its primitive severity.
The Carthusian Martyrs of London
An article on the dissolution of a Carthusian house on the orders of Henry VIII.
The Community of the Glorious Assumption
Tracing the transfer of English Benedictine nuns from Brussels to Winchester following the French Revolution. Article in PDF format.
The Franciscan Experience
A course on the origins of the Franciscan order.
The Hospitallers of St John in the Netherlands
Essay from the Ecole Initiative that looks at the early history of the order and its role in the Netherlands.
The Mendicant Friars
A lecture on the place of the Mendicant Friars in the life of the medieval church. From the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies.
The Monastic Response to Papal Reform: Summi Magis
An essay on Papal attempts at reform of the Benedictine rules in the fourteenth century. In PDF format.
The Monks
A protestant perspective on the history of monasticism from Crosswalk.com
The Origins and Expansion of Monasticism
Article rom the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies.