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Commonweal, Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture
Magazines and E-zines
America, American Catholic.org, Catholic Dossier, Catholic Faith, Catholic Planet, Catholic World, Compass: A Jesuit Journal, Culture Wars, Inside the Vatican, Liguorian Magazine
Catholic News Service, Catholic World News, EWTNews, Fides International Service, Independent Catholic News, Missionary News Service Agency, Topix.net: Catholic, Union of Catholic Asian News, Vatican Information Service, Views from Rome
L'Osservatore Romano, National Catholic Register, National Catholic Reporter, Our Sunday Visitor, The American Catholic, The Catholic Herald, The Houston Catholic Worker, The Southern Cross, The Tablet
Fr. Justin Rosary Hour, One-O-Five Live, PaxNet, Queen of Peace Catholic Radio, Spirit FM 90.5 and 88.3, St. Joseph Radio, WEWN/EWTN Global Catholic Radio
Boston Catholic Television Center, EWTN, Lumen 2000 International, Wordnet
Catholic Press Association
The official site of the Catholic Press Association for the United States and Canada. Provides names, addresses and contact information of Catholic newspapers and magazines by state and province.
Holy Family Ministries
Producers of a radio and TV program about Fatima, a teen apostolate TV show, and "Groovin' Kids" TV program. Site is frames-dependent.
Living His Life Abundantly International
Producers of a weekly hour long television program on EWTN, and two radio programs heard on WEWN. Broadcast schedules.
The Christophers
Nonprofit organization uses print, broadcast, and electronic media to spread a message of hope. Also gives annual awards for books, movies, and television programs which affirm Judeo-Christian values.
Union catholique internationale de la presse (UCIP
International professional organization for Catholic journalists, publishers, and professors of journalism or communication, whether in secular or religious media.