english deutsch
Guidelines for the Celebration of the "Triden
Sent in 1991 from the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" to the bishops. Relaxes the conditions under which the Latin "Tridentine" Mass may be used.
Latin Mass Society
Promotes the traditional worship of the Roman Catholic Church. Articles, directory of Latin Masses in the United Kingdom, membership information.
Mass of the Roman Rite
Latin of the ordinary of the Tridentine Mass as it was in 1962, side by side with an English translation. With rubrics. 85K.
Quattuor Abhinc Annos
On the Use of the "Tridentine" Liturgy. Statement issued in 1984 by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments details the conditions under which an indult may be granted to use the "Tridentine" Mass.
The Latin Mass Magazine
Subscription information, sample articles.
Traditional Latin Mass
Lots of articles and links about the Tridentine Mass, including a complete interlinear Latin-English translation of the Missal.
Tridentine Community Directories
Tridentine Latin Masses and parishes, religious orders, schools, and publications.