english deutsch
The followers of Jan Hus did not of themselves assume the name of Hussites. Like Hus, they believed their creed to be truly Catholic; in papal and conciliar documents they appear as Wycliffites, although Hus and even Jerome of Prague are also named as their leaders. From the Catholic Encyclopedia.
Notes on the movement from the Kenyon college website. With links to primary resources.
Synopsis and bibliography provided by Medieval Church.org.uk
Article from the Columbia Encyclopedia 2001.
The Waldensian Movement From Waldo to the Reformat
This article written by Dennis McCallum discusses the Waldensian involvement with the Hussites.
Unitas Fratrum
The Unitas Fratrum were a group of the more extreme Hussites (known as "Taborites") who continued to meet. They later became known as the Moravian Bretheren.