Beguine Society, Beguines & Beghards, Na Prous Bonnet, Sisters Between: Beguines, The Beguines, The Process of Na Prous Bonett (1325)
Bosnian Church, Bogomilism, Bogomilism in Macedonia, Bogomils, Bogomils of Bulgaria and Bosnia, The Bogomils
Hussites, Hussites, Hussites, Hussites., The Waldensian Movement From Waldo to the Reformat, Unitas Fratrum
Accusations against the Waldensians, Historic Waldensian Sites, The Conversion of Peter Waldo, The Waldensian Movement, The Waldensian Museum, Waldenses, Waldensian Confessions of Faith, Why Waldensians?
Heresy in the Late Middle Ages
A set of lectures, mainly focussing on Lollardry and the Hussites.
Medieval Heresies: Waldensians, Albigensians, Int
From Caesarius of Heisterbach's Dialogue on Miracles V. In the Medieval Sourcebook.
Medieval Heresy Chart
A brief table summarising the main medieval heresies, their beliefs and notable historical facts.
The Rise of Popular Heresies
Lecture by Lynn Nelson in the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies.