American Catholic Historical Association, Catholic Record Society of the Diocese of Columbus, Texas Catholic Historical Society, The United States Catholic Historical Society
American Nativism, 1830-1845
A survey of Anti-Catholic Sentiment between 1830-1845.
Catholic Archives of Texas
Information on the various collections held by the Diocese of Austin.
Catholic Southwest: A Journal of History and Cultu
The journal of the Texas Catholic Historical Society. History, guidelines for contributors and selected articles.
Catholicism in Nineteenth Century America
A lecture that covers the rapid growth of the Catholic church and reactions from the Protestant majority.
Faith of Our Fathers
Historical study by Matthew Spalding of the role of Catholics in the U.S. Revolutionary period.
Intolerable Papists, Jesuits and Revolutionary Con
An article discusssing how colonial fears of Catholic influence fuelled the American revolution.
Jean-Marie Odin, Missionary Bishop Extraordinaire
A short biography.
Phantom Heresy?
A research paper on the "Americanist" heresy of the nineteenth century.
Pope Leo XIII's Message to America
An explanation of Leo XIII's apostolic letter, regarding the doctrine of latitudinarianism.
Religion and Ethnicity: The Irish Channel and Iris
An examination of the role that religion played in shaping New Orleans' Irish ethnicity during the mid nineteenth century.
Roman Catholics and Immigration in 19th-Century Am
Historical overview and resources for high school teachers; in TeacherServe.
Roman Catholics and the American Mainstream in the
Historical overview and resources for high school teachers; in TeacherServe.
The Catholic Question: Religious Liberty and JFK&a
Article by Thomas Carty in the Historian.
The Enduring Hispanic Faith Communities
A survey of Spanish and Texas Church Historiography.
The Nunnery As Menace: The Burning of the Charlest
An article exploring nineteenth century anti-Catholicism in the light of the burning of the Ursuline Convent and school of Charlestown, Massachusetts in 1834.
The Way of Love: Dorothy Day and the American Righ
Article by Bill Kauffman in Whole Earth which suggests that the Catholic Worker Movement is misunderstood on the left of politics and has a better home on the traditionalist right.
Ward, A Mision for Justice
Book review on the first African-American Catholic Church in Newark.
Why Study History?
Article in Journal of Texas Catholic History and Culture by John Tracy Ellis. "If secular history has suffered a woeful decline in the United States since the 1950s, the history of the Catholic Church has in general fared no better."