Andean Agriculture Team, Venezuela
Features profiles of the country and people, prayer requests, team biographies, photo album, and ministries overview.
Aukan Team, Suriname & French Guyana
Features history and culture of the Aukan people, current ministry projects, volunteer opportunities, prayer and giving information, and a photo gallery.
Central Chileno Strategy Group
Features purpose statement, missionary teams guide, prayer requests, photos, and profile of Chile.
Chinese of Western South America
Features overview of the people, prayer needs, newsletter, ministry guide, team members, and contact information.
Ecuador Mestizo Cities Group
Focuses on the cities of Ecuador. Provides profiles of cities, vision statement, opportunities for service, and prayer needs.
Salvador Ministries Team, Brazil
Provides a guide to ministries, carnaval evangelism, news, prayer requests and praise, how to help, and team members.
Saramaccan Team, Suriname
Provides vision statement, cultural profile, worldview, and proverbs, a photo album, tradional music mp3, volunteer resources, and prayer requests.