Bullinger and the Second Helvetic Confession
A biography of the Reformer and a summary of the Confession.
Bullinger: Man of Reconcilliation
Stresses his ideas on democracy and pursuit of a just society.
Chronology for Bullinger
Short timeline of his life, 1504-1575.
Heinrich Bullinger: Covenant Theologian
Short biography, stressing his theology.
Heinrich Bullinger: The Common shepherd of all chr
A biography, stressing the influence of Zwingli and Calvin on his life.
Henry Bullinger, Shepherd of the Churches
A biography, stressing his importance in the Reformation.
On the 500th Anniversary of Bullinger's Birth
Articles on Bullinger the theologian, Bullinger the family man, Bullinger the liturgist and preacher, Bullinger and the Anabaptists and the successors' successor.