Behold the Bridegroom Cometh
Essays teaching bible prophecy and the pretribulation rapture from the wedding of the Messiah and the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanna.
Midnight Ministries
End times issues including the author's book Midnight Cry. [Requires JAVA]
Pretribulation or Prewrath?
A pre-tribulational critique of the pre-wrath Rapture position, concluding with how each outlook affects morale.
Teaches that all true believers in Christ will be raptured to be with him in heaven before the tribulation begins and the antichrist is revealed.
Rapture or Wrath
Questions and answers about the rapture and salvation.
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture
Provides a list of 16 Biblical references that suggest the rapture will precede the tribulation.
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture: Truth or Trap?
Short study examines the alleged fallacies in the pre-trib theory.
The Rapture and the Judgment Seat of Christ
Excerpt from the book "Jesus Christ Our Lord," by John F. Walvoord.
Unmasking Pre-Trib Fallacies
An analysis of the alleged fallacies that lie within the pre-tribulation Rapture position.