A Reading and Reflection Guide to the Gospel of Ma
A 41 day reading guide for the reading the gospel. Includes questions to think about, verses to highlight and maps of Palestine and Jerusalem.
Bible Study Lessons: Mark
Study of the life of Jesus Christ: His miracles, parables, death, burial, and resurrection as revealed in the Gospel of Mark.
Sowers International: The Gospel of Mark
The text of the gospel in the New Revised Standard Version and notes on it by Barry Tetley. The gospel is broken into 49 sections.
The Gospel of Mark
Presents the gospel as portraying Jesus as a rebel and a radical.
The Gospel of Mark
An introduction to the gospel. Answers questions including who wrote the gospel, why it was written and when it was written.
The Gospel of Mark - An Introduction for Preachers
Essay introducing the Gospel for preachers. Comments on some verses from the gospel.
The Living Word Library: The Gospel of Mark
Introduction to the gospel. Discusses authorship, content, and the Messianic secret.
This Changes Everything
An introduction to Mark's Gospel beginning with an overview and outline, continuing with verse commentary, and ending with review questions and personal application.
Windows into the World of Jesus
Thirteen lessons with stated objectives drawing from selected passages and supplemented with diagrams, photos, and cultural-historical vignettes.