english deutsch
Blue Cliff Record
Case 10: "Mu Chou's Theiving Phoney", Case 11 "Huangpo's Gobblers of Dregs&quo, Case 2:, Case 3: "This Fire Runs Through All Things&qu, Case 4, Case 5: "Hsueh-feng's Grain of Rice", Case 6: "Every Day Is a Good Day"
Book of Equanimity
Book of Equanimity : "Yang-Shan's Mind a, Stuck in a nest of Reeds: Shoyoroku: Case 68
1. Joshu's Mu, Bodhidharma Pacifies the Mind: the Gateless Barrie, Case 5: "Hsiang-yen: Up a Tree", Case 5; "Hsiang-yen: Up a Tree", Face to Face: the Meaning Comes Alive, Gateless Gate, aka Mumonkon, Ma-Tsu 'This Very Mind is Buddha', Mumonkan, Ordinary Mind is the Tao, The Gateless Gate, The World Honored One Twirls a Flower
Dogen Zenji's Genjo-koan Lecture
A commentary on the Genjo koan by Shohaku Okumura.
Genjo Koan: Actualizing the Fundamental Point
By Eihei Dogen.
Hekigan Roku: Case 89: "The Path of the Bodd
Commentary by Subhana Barzaghi.
Koan Commentaries by Barry Magid
Barry Magid teaches at the Ordinary Mind Zendo as an affiliate of the San Diego Zen Center.
Koan Practice
An explanation of Koan practice by Genjo Marinello.
Random Koans
Read a koan picked at random from the text.
Stop the Distant Rowboat Using Just Your Mind
An explanation of a Zen koan, from a metaphor used by Dogen.
The Sound of One Hand Clapping
A brief explanation of this famous koan, by Hakuin.
Tosotsu`s Three Barriers
A commentary by Samy Gen-Un-Ken-Roshi.
Working with Koans
Teisho by John Tarrant Roshi.
Zen Buddhism Koan Study Pages
Extensive bibliography on commentaries from the Zen Buddhism WWW Virtual Library.
Zen Koans: Transcending Duality
A list of well-known koans.