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Green Bay: Green Tara Sangha - Zen Meditation Budd
Offers Rinzai Zen practice in the lineage of Edio Shimano Roshi.
Madison Zen Center
Offers daily zazen practice and periodic two-day sittings. Affiliate of the Rochester Zen Center, Harada Yasutani lineage.
Madison: Chozen-ji Betsuin/International Zen Dojo
Provides a place of Rinzai Zen training through rigorous mind/body discipline. The Chozen-ji lineage of Zen emphasizes the integration of traditional Zen training with training in the martial and fine arts. Training in Chozen-ji Kyudo is available.
Madison: Isthmus Zen Community
Affiliated with the Kwan Um School of Zen.
Madison: SnowFlower Sangha
Offers Mindfulness Meditation practice in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.
Milwaukee Zen Center
Offers daily zazen practic and periodic retreats.
Milwaukee: Mindfulness Community of Milwaukee
A Buddhist sangha in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. Offers weekly group practice and study.
Milwaukee: Great Lake Zen Center
Affiliated with the Kwan Um School of Zen. Offers zazen practice several times weekly, and periodic dharma talks and retreats.
Oshkosh Zen Group
An informal Zen sitting group in for Oshkosh and the Fox Valley, Wisconsin. Offers weekly zazen, and periodic retreats.
Plymouth: Bright Dawn Home Spread- Meditation Retr
A Zen Buddhist retreat center operated by the American Buddhist Association.
Rhinelander: Dragon Flower Ch'an Buddhist Te
Temple in the Chinese Ch'an tradition which is extensively involved in translating Chinese Buddhist texts into English.
Zen Centers in Wisconsin
Complete list of Zen centers in Wisconsin maintained by the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism.