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Boulder Zen Center
An unaffiliated Zen center offering regular group zazen and periodic dharma talks.
Boulder: Great Mountain Zen Center
In the Harada-Yasutani lineage. Offer weekly zazen practice, monthly zazenkai, and periodic retreats.
Colorado Springs: Springs Mountain Zen Sangha
Affiliated with the Pacific Zen Institute, Harada-Yasutani lineage. Offers regular zazen practic and periodic sesshins.
Crestone Mountain Zen Center
Located on an 80 acre parcel in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, this Center offers Zen Buddhist study and meditation practice.
Denver Zen Center - Lotus in the Flame Temple
Diamond Sangah affiliate under the direction of Ven. Danan Henry, Sensei. The Temple maintains a full training schedule, including: zazen (Zen meditation); teisho (Zen talks by the teacher); dokusan (private interviews with the teacher); zazenkai (all-day meditation); sesshin meditation retreats); samu (work as meditation, devotion and giving); liturgy practice (chanting, ceremonies and devotional forms); body practice (t'ai chi and yoga); art practice (flower arranging, calligraphy, pottery, photography, writing); community service and social functions.
Denver: Open Circle Zen Community
Member of the Kwan Um School of Zen. Offers weekly zazen practice.