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SGI-USA Burbank Chapter
Highlights chapter and district activities and events with photos and provides background information about the Soka Gakkai.
SGI-USA Los Angeles Friendship Center
A community center open to both SGI members and the local community. Provides schedules, room reservations, and sign up options for volunteer work.
SGI-USA Northern California
Features an e-newsletter for the Northern California Zone.
SGI-USA Sacramento
Community center calendar of events, new member and introductory information, and local announcements.
SGI-USA San Jose Area
Provides overview of the philosophy of the Soka Gakkai as well as area schedules and links.
SGI-USA Silicon Valley Region
Features calendar of events, news, daily encouragement, and youth presentations.
SGI-USA West Palmdale District
Provides brief overview of key concepts and local event and contact information.
South Bay Community center
Los Angeles Beach Cities Region calendar, message center, announcements and district information.
World Peace Buddhists
Stanford student division offers a picture gallery, overview of nationwide SGI initiatives, and contacts.