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Chats and Forums
Anshin SGI Forum, ICQ Buddhism-SGI Interest Group, MSN Groups: Soka Gakkai SGI, SGI Forums, Yahoo! Groups: Bristol-Bath Headquarters, Yahoo! Groups: Buddhism 101, Yahoo! Groups: Daily Gosho Mailing List, Yahoo! Groups: Duneland District - Gary, Indiana, Yahoo! Groups: Gakkai Political Forum, Yahoo! Groups: Gakkai-Spirit
Cultural Activities
Activity Report on Religious Freedom, Linus Pauling and the Twentieth Century: A Virtual, Linus Pauling Exhibit. Remarks by U.S. Congress.
University Clubs, Academic Resource Guide on Soka Gakkai, Fortune Child Books, Kansai Soka School system., Soka University - Japan
Peace Projects
Boston Research Center for the 21st Century, Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Researc, Victory Over Violence by The Youth Peace Committee
Regional Groups
Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States
Allegations without Substance
Provides synopses and critical commentary of specific court cases brought against Soka Gakkai by Akiyo Asaki, Nobuko Nobuhira, and Nobuyuki Shirayama.
An Introduction to Buddhism
Offers overview of Nichiren Buddhism, along with quotes and practice information.
Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin
Unofficial. Brief overview of Nichiren Buddhism and the Soka Gakkai.
Etherbods Online
Member intiative features several indices to the Writings of Nichiren (Gosho) and the Lotus Sutra, along with related study material.
Gakkai Experiences Online
Unofficial and provides personal testimonials of faith from members throughout the world.
Happiness Central
Offers essays and testimonials about practicing Buddhism in America as a Soka Gakkai member.
Indras.Net Web Ring
Network of sites devoted to the Soka Gakkai. Features listing and navigation of member sites.
March 1990 Issue of the Seikyo Times Magazine
Unofficial online reproduction of a specific issue of the Seikyo Times emphasizing organizational changes in the United States.
Middleway Press
Trade publishing division of the SGI-USA. Features publication titles, ordering information, press releases, and newsletter.
My Faith
Offers unofficial views and explanations of fundamental concepts and practices of Nichiren Buddhism.
Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism in Malaysia
Offers a personal experience, explanation of the fundamentals of Buddhism, and overview of the history Soka Gakkai.
Richard Hower's Personal Page
Unofficial source of articles relating to the interaction of the Soka Gakkai with world leaders, focusing on their respective impacts. Also offers opinion pieces regarding the separation from Nichiren Shoshu.
Romancing the Buddha
Book in progress and collection of articles that chronicle the application of Buddhist principles into daily practice. Unofficial resource.
Soka Gakkai International (SGI)
Organization's main site, featuring the SGI Quarterly magazine, news releases, history, and other study and religious materials for both newcomers and practitioners.
Soka Gakkai International - USA
Combines study resources for the complete English works of Nichiren (Gosho) and full English translation of Sakyamuni's Lotus Sutra with facilities locators and publications.
Soka Gakkai Japan
Offers official views, news, organizational initiatives, and resources, along with articles reconciling current events and issues with Buddhist teachings.
Offers weekly guidance, quotes from the Ongi Kuden, and Gosho cross-reference.
Sumire's Homepage
Includes selected speeches, and enumerates educational and cultural activities. Unofficial resource.
The Buddhist Perspective of the Soka Gakkai
Paper written by C.R. Young, Eric Hauber, Mary Worthington, and Gerry Hall describing the religious and philosophical foundation of the Soka Gakkai, and it's relevance in today's world.