Berkeley - Dzalandhara Center, Los Angeles - Khandakapala Buddhist Center, Marin - Dewikoti Center, Petaluma - Mahakaruna Buddhist Center, San Diego - Vajrarupini Buddhist Center, San Francisco Bay Area, San Francisco East Bay - Saraha Buddhist Center, San Jose - Duldzin Dragpa Buddhist Center
New York
Kadampa Buddhism in New York, Kadampa Buddhist Temple in New York, Long Island: Dipamkara Meditation Center, Manhatten: Chakrasambara Buddhist Center, Vajra Light Buddhist Center, Dobbs Ferry, NY, Wisdom in New York
Bethlehem, Harrisburg, and York Menlha Buddhist Ce, York: Kalpa Bhadra Buddhist Center
Buddhism and Meditation in Bellingham, Buddhism and Meditation in Olympia, Buddhism and Meditation in Seattle, Buddhism and Meditation in Skagit Valley, Buddhist Classes in Washington, Seattle: Vajralama Buddhist Center