Amitabha Kadampa Buddhist Meditation Centre
Regional Buddhist College and Meditation Retreat Centre for South West England.
Amoghasiddhi Buddhist Centre
Meditation classes in Norfolk and Suffolk are available through this Centre. The Resident Teacher is also a qualified Buddhist artist. The Centre is a member of the International Kadampa Buddhist Union.
Brighton: Bodhisattva Centre
Located in the heart of Brighton and Hove. Organises a wide variety of classes based on the meditation techniques of Kadampa Buddhism.
Buddhist Centre - Kadampa Buddhism in Birmingham
Find inner peace and happiness through meditation and Buddha`s teachings.
Cantebury: Jampel Center
Information on classes and short descriptions of meditation and Buddhism.
Crewe: Amitayus Kadampa Buddhist Centre
The Centre provides a peaceful and inspiring environment in which anyone can learn about meditation and Buddhism, how to meditate and how this can help in daily life. Meditation is a method anyone can learn to reduce depression, stress, anger, and other negative states of mind, and increase peaceful and happy minds through training in love, compassion and wisdom.
Cumbria: Manjushri Mahayana Buddhist Centre
A peaceful and inspiring environment where people can learn about the Buddhist way of life and practice meditation.
Derbyshire: Tara Buddhist Centre
A Kadampa Mahayana Buddhist college located at Ashe Hall, in Derbyshire, England whose main purpose is to preserve and promote the essence of Buddha's teachings in a living form suited to the Western mind and way of life.
Duldzin Buddhist Centre
Buddhist community located in Sefton Park in Liverpool, affiliated with the International Kadampa Buddhist Union. News, event information, and spiritual guides available, as well as class schedule and study resources.
Heruka Buddhist and Meditation Centre
Offers meditation classes in London for all levels. Features profile of spiritual leadership and describes programmes of courses and classes, along with schedules and prices.
Hull: Khedrupje Buddhist and Meditation Centre
Meditation and Buddhism in Hull. Learn meditation and reduce stress, anger and negativity. Range of classes, from curious to serious.
Kadampa Buddhism and Meditation in Exeter
Information about kadampa buddhism and meditation classes held in Exeter and Devon. The Centre is a member of the International Kadampa Buddhist Union.
Kadampa Buddhism in Milton Keynes
Meditation instruction in Milton Keynes.
Kailash Buddhist Centre
Buddhist meditation classes and courses on the Wirral.
Kashyapa Mahayana Buddhist Centre
Provides meditation classes and teachings in Bradford, Shipley and Pudsey, so that local people can learn about meditation and develop peace of mind.
Leeds Kadampa Meditation Classes
Classes at this Centre are a straightforward way to learn to meditate, or to improve our meditation practice. They provide step by step instructions on how to begin meditating, how to deepen our experience, and how to integrate our practice into our daily lives
Meditation Classes in the Thames Valley
Kadampa Buddhist Centre running Meditation Classes in Maidenhead, Oxford, Reading, Windsor, High Wycombe and the Thames Valley.
Newcastle Upon Tyne: Compassion Buddhist Centre
NKT Buddhist meditation and relaxation classes based in Newcastle, Tyne and Wear in the North East of England.
Nottingham: Akshobya Buddhist Meditation Centre
Offers regular evening classes of teachings and meditation in the East-Midlands area and Lincolnshire, including Nottingham, Boston, Grantham, Loughborough, Mansfield, Newark, Peterborough, Scunthorpe, and Spalding.
Oldham, Rochdale, Saddleworth and Tameside: Tsepag
Meditation classes, courses and study programmes for all levels. The Centre is a member of the International Kadampa Buddhist Union.
Plymouth: Ashoka Kadampa Buddhist Meditation Centr
Find out all about Kadampa Buddhism and Meditation in Plymouth, South Devon and Cornwall.
Preston: Vajravarahi Buddhist Centre
A residential Buddhist Centre in Preston, Lancashire. The centre's purpose is to help people to attain peaceful minds through teaching meditation and giving practical advice based on Buddha's teachings.
Sheffield: Gyaltsabje Centre
Buddhist meditation classes and events in the heart of Sheffield. Come and join us - everyone welcome.
Southampton: Thekchen Centre
A thriving community of lay and ordained buddhists located in Bitterne Park, Southampton. The centre was established in 1996, by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso to give people living in the Southampton and surrounding area the opportunity to learn to meditate and how to use Buddhist techniques for developing peace of mind and lasting happiness.
Todmorden: Losang Dragpa Buddhist Centre
Residential Buddhist centre offering retreats, working holidays, courses and teachings. The centre is at Dobroyd Castle in Todmorden, Yorkshire.
Yorkshire: Madhyamaka Centre
Madhyamaka Centre is based at Kilnwick Percy Hall, an elegant Georgian building at the foot of the Yorkshire Wolds. It is home to over forty full-time residents - nuns, monks, and lay people - and host to hundreds of visitors each year. You are welcome to visit the centre, whether to attend a course or simply to spend a few hours enjoying the peace and tranquility of the house and grounds.