english deutsch
Buddhist-Christian Dialogue, Jesus-Was-a-Buddhist Theories, A Journey Into Buddhism, By Elizabeth J. Harris, Christian-Buddhist Yahoo Group, Did Buddhism influence early Christianity?, Do Buddhists go to Heaven?, Is Shin Buddhism the same as Christianity?, Krishna Buddha and Wittoba, One-Eighty, The Empty Bell, The Parable of the Prodigal Son in Christianity an
Unitarian Universalism
Are (some) Unitarians Buddhists without knowing it, Buddhism and Unitarian-Universalism, Buddhism Without Beliefs, Happy Birthday, Baby Buddha!, The Faith of a UU Buddhist, Unitarian-Universalist Buddhist Practice Groups, UU Buddhist Fellowship, UU Sangha Newsletter
Apollonius the Nazarene by Dr. R. W. Bernard, Part
On Apollonius meeting Buddhist monks, a history.
Buddhism and Islam
A description of Buddhism from an Islamic perspective.
Buddhist Gnosticism, the System of Basilides
From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland for 1902.
Buddhist Influences in the Near East
An essay on the historical relationships between Christianity, Buddhism, and Manichaeanism.
Islamic-Buddhist Dialogue
A personal effort to open an Islamic-Buddhist Dialogue by Dr. Alexander Berzin.
Order of Nazorean Essenes - A Buddhist Branch of O
An effort to show the connections between Eastern Christianity, Gnosticism, Manichaeanism, and Buddhism.