Age Concern England - Intergenerational Network
British organization with lists of intergenerational projects by region and experiences of volunteers.
Center for Intergenerational Learning
Located at Temple University, this center is dedicated to strengthening communities by bringing generations together to meet the needs of individuals and families throughout the life cycle.
Centre for Intergenerational Practice
Supports the development of intergenerational practice throughout the United Kingdom.
Experience Corps
Americans older than 55 years tutor and mentor children in urban public schools across the country.
Generations Incorporated
Nonprofit organization committed to intergenerational awareness through clubs, after school and other programs.
Generations Together
Seeks to promote intergenerational activity as a positive force in society, as a professional field, and as a rewarding area of academic inquiry. A program of the University of Pittsburg.
Generations United
Provides resources and networking for US organizations promoting intergenerational strategies, programs, and policies.
Hawaii Intergenerational Network
Bridging generations for stronger communities, healthy aging, and healthy child and youth development. Offers videos, publications, and study tours.
A community based organization providing intergenerational programs in Montgomery County, Maryland.
Intergenerational Innovations
Develops and implements programs and activities to bring children, youth, and elders together in volunteer service to each other and to the community through tutoring, mentoring and computer learning activities.
Intergenerational Programs and Aging
Program developed at Penn State aims to increase cooperation, interaction, or exchange between any two generations.
Intergenerational Strategies
A charitable, nonprofit organization dedicated to intergenrational policy, programs, and issues.
New Jersey Intergenerational Network
Details intergenerational programs and consultants in New Jersey and includes links to other resources.
Points Of View
Company offering intergenrational training, consultation, products, and motivational speaking.
Rainbow Bridge
This program facilitates the matching of volunteers, including youth, adults, and families, who become companions, advocates, and families for nursing home elders who have little or no visitation.
The Generation Connection Society
Develops educational programs and resources to foster intergenerational communication, self esteem and greater personal and social responsibility.
Wisconsin Intergenerational Network - WIN
Intergenerational resources and programs in Wisconsin.