A blog offering opinion and social religious commentary on events in the world.
A Politically In-Correct Stop Over on the Informa
A generalized rant on political correctness.
Alternative Politics
War with Iraq, third parties, philosophy, drugs, terrorism, guns, Israel and Palestine. Links to media watch groups.
Blog Arundel
A weblog dedicated to exploring political, social, and environmental issues in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
Daley Planet
Personal website of planetary patriot Tad Daley. Ideas for preventing genocide and another 9-11.
Free Society
An essay about freedom and constructing a free society.
Freedom First Party
Full text of some essays by Corby B. Griffin's, referred to in his A Novel of the Next American Revolution.
A place for unedited, uncensored opinions on politics, digital rights, and many other issues.
Friends don't let friends...
The Origin of Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Democrat and Republican.
FWF- The Free World Forum
Young, under-21 year olds discussion of various political philosophies.
Herman, Edward S: Political commentaries
Political economist and radical commentator comments on world events, media complicity and media bias from a Progressive perspective.
Hogan, Hunter - HunterThinks.com
Provides his analysis and commentary of major World events with a focus on non-violence, equal treatment, and freedom.
James R. Taylor - My Politics
A brief essay about Presidential elections and politics
Lei's Virtual reality
A website offering a personal perspective on the world and reality.
Manifesto of the Emperor of America
Directives from a self-proclaimed emperor to solve U.S. problems.
NAANA Online
NAANA is an organization devoted to the providing for the abolishment of the nineteenth amendment.
Features commentary laced with satire, parody, or humor on political, media, and other events.
On a point of information
An Oxford student provides a critique of modern politics from a UK perspective.
OPED - Short Opinion Pieces
OPED pieces on topics of current interest in economics, politics, terrorism, and security.
Political Reforms for Nations
Personal site with numerous articles suggesting reforms in the political system of nations.
Power, Violence and Poverty
Essays on power and its relationship to violence, poverty and social change.
Sand in the Gears
Blog featuring Tony Woodlief's humorous short takes on politics, life, and American culture.
The Brown Daily Squeal
Offers news updates from a personal politics page.
The Donkoscope
The Donkoscope: Slapping the news with an empty sock.
The Minute Man Page
Lists the author's concerns about the U.S. federal government and the loss of freedom through war and emergency powers.
The Radical: An Expose on European Intolerance
A discussion of human rights violations and prejudice in Europe.
Essays on politics, culture, social issues, technology, the arts from across the political spectrum.
The Rant: Political Writings from a Wal-Mart Hati
Commentary on Wal-Mart, the ills of American society, and various other issues.
The Sounding Board
Commentary, humor and opinions on issues of the day.
The World According to Bill Fisher
Articles on international development, foreign policy, human rights, geopolitics, and journalism.
This Lousy T-Shirt
Political commentary by Jeff Morrow, a graduate of Brandeis University, currently working at a public policy think tank in Washington, D.C.
Verzillo's Political Fillibuster and Politics
A collection of links, opinion essays, sound bytes, and advice from the author on American politics.
We Are Mad As Hell
Fight back against the mutual fund scandal by holding on to your investments.