Liberals Around the World
Liberal International member parties and parties with observer status.
Major Parties in all Democracies
Links to various parties in democratic nations; classifies parties as Socialist, Centrist/Liberal, and Conservative.
Mondo Politico
Political party directory documenting activity in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and the United Kingdom.
Political Government
A listing of political parties, non-partisian groups, media sites, and activist groups.
Political Resources on the Net
Expansive directory of links to political parties, organizations, governments, and media from around the world.
Postmaterialism and the Postmaterialist Party
Information about the ideology of the international party from its founder.
The Postmaterialist Party
Supports the elimination of class inequalities and promotes a civilization of freedom, justice, peace and prosperity. Features committees, articles, a student essay forum and a membership application.
Transnational Radical Party
International association of politicians and activists. Aims to create an effective body of international law with respect for individuals and the affirmation of democracy and freedom throughout the world.
World Party
Seeks to solve the world's problems by creating a global democratic structure.
World Political Party
The purpose of the party is to foster and promote the preservation of humanity on earth through peaceful political processes and the realization of these goals through education and political action.