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Civil Society, Ethnicity and the State: a Threefol
Paper delivered by George Schopflin of the University of London.
Consortium of Minority Resources (COMIR)
Internet-based cooperative project that aims at promoting the free flow of information and dialogue in the field of ethnic relations, multicultural politics and minority rights. Aims to establish a clearinghouse of information and activities relevant to Europe (OSCE region) to support democratic governance of multiethnic and multinational societies.
Ethnicity and Nationalism: Anthropological Perspec
Excerpt from a monograph by Thomas Hylland Eriksen, exploring the relationships between ethnicity, race, nationality, and class.
Federal Union of European Nationalities - F.U.E.N.
A union of organizations representing ethnic groups with the goal of preserving their identity, language, culture and history.
Irredentism and Ethnic Nationalism
Essay by Dimostenis Yagcioglu arguing that irredentism (i.e. conflict over borders) is an inevitable tendency of ethnic nationalism.
Directory of resources on minority human rights, inter-ethnic conflicts, ethnic policies, and related problems of the transition period in Eastern and Central Europe.
OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Office established in 1992 to identify and seek early resolution of ethnic tensions that might endanger peace, stability or friendly relations between OSCE participating states.
The MinMaj Rule
Argues that wars erupt whenever and wherever a country has a minority of the same ethnicity as the majority in a neighboring country.
The National Question and the Class Struggle
Thesis by Ber Borochov (1881-1917) arguing that national liberation is a necessary component of the class struggle.