Black Libertarians
Yahoo! group dedicated to reaching African-Americans with the message of smaller government, more individual freedom, and more personal responsibility.
European Libertarians
Yahoo! group for European libertarians to meet and chat.
FightGov - Libertarian Community Online
Forums, resources and selected news for libertarians.
Ideas For Liberty
An online community for libertarians. Includes forums, news, gallery and a liberty wiki.
la-agora meetingplace
Online discussion group for those interested in politics, philosophy, and economics.
Libertarian Alliance Forum
Yahoo! group devoted to debating classical liberal and libertarian thought and other issues related to freedom and the state, maintained by the British Libertarian Alliance.
Libertarian Club
Yahoo! group discussing small government philosophy.
Libertarian Debate
Yahoo! group for everyone interested in libertarian discussions.
Libertarian Forum
Multitopical Australian bulletin board.
Libertarian Issues
Yahoo! group for discussion about how to maximize freedom and minimize government.
Libertarian Underground
News, commentary and discussion forum about libertarianism and related philosophies. Includes philosophy, politics, and current events.
Libertarianism Forum Frigate
Discussion forum and live chat.
Message forums regarding current events, including discussion of news articles.
Yahoo! group replacing the defunct usenet group libernet - d. Group focuses on libertarian discussion, politics and news.
North Carolina Liberty Chat
Use a java client to speak with Carolinians.
Outright Libertarians
Yahoo! group for gay, lesbian, and transgendered libertarians.
Yahoo! group for conservative and libertarian discussion.
The Free State Cafe
A site with a forum which offers a possibility to discuss libertarianism and the Free State Project. Includes current libertarian and FSP news and free E-mail. [Requires java.]