In the Liberal Tradition: A History of Liberty, Intellectual History of Classical Liberalism, Internet Modern History Sourcebook: Liberalism, Liberal Nationalism: The Nation as a Basis for Lib, Liberal reforms 1906 - 1914
Left Liberalism
Chats and Forums, Humor, Institutes, News and Media, Opposing Views, Organizations, Parties, People, Progressive, Theory
Anarcho-Capitalism, Chats and Forums, Events, Humor, Institutes, News and Media, Opposing Views, Organizations, Parties, People
Classical Liberalism - Wikipedia
Encyclopedia article examines the classical liberal school and notes distinctions between it and other schools of thought within liberalism such as libertarianism and New Liberalism.
Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD)
Information about CALD, member parties, publications, resolutions and activities.
European Liberal Democrats (ELDR)
Platforms, member parties, structure and leadership, and current news, resolutions, photographs, and releases.
European Liberal Youth (LYMEC)
Organization for European liberal youth. Introduction, manifesto, discussion forum, links, and news.
Falling Down: The decline of liberalism in Central
Considers why most liberal parties in Central and Eastern Europe disappeared from the political scene after a promising beginning in the early 1990s. Published in Central Europe Review .
Guide to Classical Liberal Scholarship
Concise introduction to the history and theory of classical liberalism.
Initiative of South East European Liberals - ISEEL
Network open to all liberal youth organizations from the countries of the Stability Pact as well as to individuals from all over the world.
International Federation of Liberal Youth (IFLRY)
The youth organization of Liberal International. Calendar of Events round the world, program of action, campaigns and publications.
Liberal International
The worldwide federation of liberal parties, ranging from left-liberal to moderate libertarian. Site provides information about the functions of the organization, shopping, links to member parties and organizations, news releases, and event calendar.
General philosophical theory outlined by Gerald F. Gaus in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
An article written in 1973 by F.A. Hayek for an Italian encyclopaedia on the content and development of the liberal ideology.
Liberalism - Wikipedia
Encylopedia article outlining the history of the ideology and explaining different forms of liberalism.
Liberalism Under the Microscope
Michael Cain considers three volumes of essays on liberal economic and political thought in Central Europe.
Liberals and Libertarians
Points out similarities between the issue positions of U.S. left-liberals and libertarians. Also gives quotes, reading list, and related links.
The Demonisation of Market Liberalism
Speech by Samuel Brittan to the EU Seminar on Europe in 21st Century (April 14 2000). Brittan is a leading economic commentator and Financial Times columnist.
The Two Wings of Liberalism
Terrence Cook compares "right liberalism" and "left liberalism" in chart form.
What is Liberalism?
Dr. Razeen Sally explores the intellectual foundations of liberal thought.