African Greens
Links to African green parties.
Bulgarian Green Party
Information about the Bulgarian Green Party including policies and contact details
Die Grunen
The Green Party for Germany. Contains an English language version of the site.
European Green Party links
Lists the sites of several countries' parties.
European Greens
Information, latest news, links and election results for Green parties through out Europe.
Green balkan net
A network between the green parties and groups across the Balkan region. Including news, agenda, documents and links.
Green League of Finland
A selection of information in English include a history of the party, contact details and policies.
Green Parties Worldwide
A list of Green Parties and associated groups from across the world, divided by continent.
Green Party Black Caucus
The website of the Green Party (USA) National Black Caucus.
Green Party of Iran
Working for democracy and human rights in Iran.
Green Party of South Africa
Formerly known as the People's Green Party of South Africa. Describes beliefs and goals, and provides an online membership form.
Green Party of Ukraine
Up-to-date information about the party including latest news, their charter, policies and photos. Includes a guestbook, polls and feedback area.
Green Philippines
Alliance's principles, policies, and platforms available, as well as environmental news and legislation.
Green Power
Green Party based in Hong Kong. Includes articles and studies, details of activities and a green school.
Greens of the Republic of Poland (Zieloni RP)
Policy aims and contact information.
Greens of Turkey
Some information in English about this Turkish Green Party including meeting dates and contact information.
Irish Green Party/Comhaontas Glas
News, policy information and details of elected representatives and candidates.
Reform Party of Gibraltar
Green Party campaigning in Gibraltar. Website includes news, policies and links.
The Citizens Party of Hong Kong
A party advocating green politics in Hong Kong, including biographies of key members, policies and contact information.
The Green Democrats of Hungary
Some information about the party and its policies in English.
The Green Party of England and Wales
Detailed, up-to-date website, including in depth news and articles about national and international green issues, past election results and current campaigns.