Atlantic Monthly - Was Democracy Just a Moment?
Robert Kaplan article stating democracy may not be the system that will best serve the world, or even the one that will prvail in places that now consider themselves bastions of freedom.
Beyond Democracy
An Internet forum on post-democratic society and politics, discussing issues such as individualism, dependency, and association.
Democracy In The Third World--Destructive Egalitar
Argues against democracy in states without a dominant middle class and that egalitarian policies stifle human progress.
Argues that liberal democracy's current supremacy does not mark the "end of history," and that its consumerist flaws will result in its popular and scholarly diminution in favor of Left ideologies.
Libertocracy: The Tyranny of Democracy
Essay which compares democracy to mob rule, and argues that democratic republics are their most corrupt incarnation. Includes a selection of quotations.
Liberty Haven: Freedom and Democracy
A philosophical study of the uses and abuses of democracy in the modern United States.
The tragedy of democracy
Samuel Gregg's essay examining the problems of the democracy discovered by Alexis de Tocqueville. PDF file.
Why Democracy is Wrong
A webpage that states ethical objections to democracy.
Why Not Vote?
Offers simple reasons not to participate in demcratic government, with answers to common objections.