anarchists and action
Includes "Anarchists and Action" by Alfredo Bonanno, Earlth Liberation Front communiques and other articles.
Anti-Racist Action [ARA]
Direct action group which protests fascist and neo-Nazi activities. News and information about history, pictures, and events, as well as downloads, merchandise, and mailing list information.
Direct Action to Stop the War
Coordination and information for organizing actions against war in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
Militant anti-poverty group led by John Clarke. Involved in a campaign of protest and direct action to fight the federal, Ontario and Toronto governments for higher wages and welfare benefits, plus for tenant and immigrant rights.
Schnews magazine
Weekly newsletter from Justice, Brighton's direct action collective. Activist, anti-corporate and international news.
Solidarity with Anarchists in Trouble
Solidarity rallies and activism in defence of anarchists who've been charged with political crimes or who are otherwise being targeted by state, corporate or fascist power.