Could There Be a Science of Economics?, Evolutionary Economics and the Counterfactual Thre, Genetic Causation and Economic Theory, History of Economic Thought Archive, Philosophy of Economics Encyclopedia article, The Principles of Political Economy
Definition and Measurement of the Economy
A thesis combining feminist, environmental and radical political economy critiques of national accounting and understandings of work and the economy.
Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics (EI
Mphil and PhD program on Philosophy of Economics.
Journal of Economic Methodology
Journal for Philosophy and Methodology of Economics
Journal: Economics and Philosophy
Cambridge Journal for the Philosophy and Methodology of Economics
Philosophy and Economics News and Discussion Group
A news and discussion group for philosophy and economics hosted by Yahoo!
Research group on History and Methodology of Econo
Research Group (Amsterdam) focuses on the practice of economics, using a combination of historical and philosophical methods of investigation.
The Paideia Project - Philosophy of Economics
Indexed papers from the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, in Boston, Massachusetts from August 10-15, 1998.