english deutsch
Critique of Judgement, Critique of Practical Reason, Critique of Pure Reason, Critique of Pure Reason, For Determinism in a Way, And Also Indeterminism, Four Neglected Essays, Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, Introduction to the Metaphysics of Morals, On The Relationship Of Theory To Practice In Polit, Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch
A Slice of Philosophy: Immanuel Kant
Brief information about life and works of Immanuel Kant.
Catholic Encyclopedia: Philosophy of Immanuel Kant
A detailed evaluation by William Turner.
Could Kant Have Been a Utilitarian?
Provocative extract from the book Sorting Out Ethics by R. M. Hare.
Does Christ Agree with Immanuel Kant ?
Argues that Christ's philosophy holds the key to completing Kantian Ethics through resolving the dualism of happiness and virtuousness.
Exhaustive Bibliography of English Translations of
A 1994 compilation by Stephen Palmquist.
Glossary of Kant's Technical Terms
Short glossary with explanations of some Kantian technical terms like transcendental, a priori and understanding.
Immanuel Kant
Biography and overview of his philosophy.
Immanuel Kant Audio Books
Advertisement for an audiotape narrated by Charlton Heston, about the life, works and influence of this philosopher.
International Kantkongress
Homepage of the Ninth International Kant Congress held in Berlin, March 2000.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Immanuel Kant
Historical background and explanation of his metaphysical ideas.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Kant, Immanue
Explanation of his aesthetical ideas.
Kant and the Subjectivity of Nature
An undergraduate dissertation assessing some aspects of P.F. Strawson's attack on transcendental idealism as it occurs in his 'The Bounds of Sense.'
Kant Bibliography
Bibliography of Kant's works and secondary literature.
Kant Links
Links to work by and about this German philosopher.
Kant on Autonomy
An article on Kant's philosophy on this topic.
Kant on the Web
A selection of external links, etexts on Kant, etexts of Kant, and original articles and essays.
Kant's Transcendental Idealism
Summary of the Transcendental Aesthetic and Transcendental Logic, as put forth in the Critique of Pure Reason.
North American Kant Society
Scholarly association devoted to the study of this thinker and his ideas. Organizational information, calls for papers, links.
Outline of the Critique of Pure Reason
Intended as an aid for the reader, providing detailed definitions of Kant's terms. By John Clarke.