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A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socia
A Haraway essay first published in 1991. Develops a rhetoric of "cyborgs" and "integrated circuits" with which to address the current historical position of women.
Birth Of The Kennel - Cyborgs, Dogs And Companion
Transcript of a lecture by Donna Haraway presented at the European Graduate School in August 2000.
Reading Buchi Emecheta: Contests for Women's
An essay by Haraway on the construction of "women's experience."
Situated Knowledges
A 1991 essay by Haraway about the "science question" in feminism.
The Ironic Dream of a Common Language for Women in
An early version of Haraway's Cyborg Manifesto, from 1983.
The Promises of Monsters: A Regenerative Politics
An essay by Haraway, first published in 1992. Considers the nature of "nature" in various contexts.