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Anti John Dewey
A collection of resources critical of John Dewey's philosophy.
Center for Dewey Studies
The Center for Dewey Studies at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
Democracy and Education, by John Dewey
Complete text of the book in HTML format.
Encyclopedia of Informal Education: John Dewey
Brief biography, partial bibliography, and links.
Imperialism Is Easy, by John Dewey
Essay by John Dewey published in The New Republic (March 23, 1927), critical of U.S. involvement in Mexico.
Impressions of Soviet Russia, by John Dewey
Complete text of the first six chapters of Dewey's book, covering Dewey?s visit to Soviet Russia in 1928.
Inquiry into charges against Trotsky
A complete transcription of the famous commission Dewey chaired in 1937, held in Mexico: "The Case of Leon Trotsky, Report of hearings by the Preliminary Commission of Inquiry into the charges made against him in the Moscow trials."
John Dewey
Encyclopaedia of Philosophy of Education article by Jim Garrison.
John Dewey and F. Matthias Alexander
Information and links claiming an influence of the Alexander Technique on John Dewey.
John Dewey and the F. M. Alexander Technique
Texts of Dewey's writings about the Alexander Technique.
John Dewey Email Discussion List
Called Dewey-L, this forum is open to anyone interested in Dewey's philosophy.
John Dewey Society
Promotes study of Dewey's ideas on democracy, education, and philosophy.
John Dewey: Philosophy of Education
An introduction to Dewey's philosophy of education. Includes a summary of his book Experience and Education.
My Pedagogic Creed, by John Dewey
Early essay by John Dewey outlining his theory of education. Progressive education in brief.
On Posture
John Dewey describes F.M. Alexander's approach to posture.
Posture Commands: Why They Don't Work
F.M. Alexander's analysis of the futility of telling someone to stand up straight, as told by John Dewey based on his experience with the Alexander Technique.
Review of Dewey's: The Quest for Certainty
A book review of Dewey's The Quest for Certainty: A Study of the Relation of Knowledge and Action (1929), by Alex Scott.
Text of books and articles by John Dewey
Complete texts of the books: School and Society (1907,1915), How We Think (1910), The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy and other Essays (1910), Essays in Experimental Logic (1916). And 17 articles from 1886 to 1903.
The Pragmatism Cybrary
A research resource offering information on famous pragmatists, directories of centers and societies, philosophy lists, conferences, and publications.
The Unknown Dewey
The philosophy of John Dewey, with emphasis on its relation to the Alexander Technique.