Bodin, Jean
Very brief biography of this political thinker.
De la Demonomanie des Sorciers
A translated excerpt from this 1580 demonological tract by Bodin.
Jean Bodin
Article from the Catholic Encyclopedia by Georges Goyau. Notes his relation to the political and religious order of his time.
Six Books of the Commonwealth
Text of Bodin's key work on political philosophy, from a 1955 abridged translation by M.J. Tooley.
Witchcraft and the Occult: Jean Bodin
Article with extensive bibliography, by David Harley. Notes the various aspects of Bodin's legacy.
Witches, Midwives, and Jean Bodin's Rationali
Unpublished paper by David Harley, examining certain common theories about early modern witch persecturions with reference to Bodin.