American Philosophical Quarterly
Quarterly journal of English articles on any aspect of philosophy. Edited by Neil Tennant, and published by North American Philosophical Publications.
Quarterly journal exploring contemporary issues in analytic philosophy, especially epistemology, metaphysics, and logic. Edited by Michael Clark. Published by Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the Analysis Trust. Includes contents of current and some past issues.
Ancient Philosophy
Semi-annual journal devoted to original research in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy and science. Currently edited by Ronald Polansky, and published by Mathesis Publications.
The journal of the Society for Post-Critical and Personalist Studies. Published in March and October each year through printed and e-mail versions. Appraisal takes a special, but not exclusive, interest in the philosophy of Michael Polanyi and similar thinkers. Includes contents of all volumes.
Quarterly interdisciplinary journal concerned with reasoning, natural inference and persuasion. Edited by Frans H. van Eemeren, Scott Jacobs, Erik C.W. Krabbe, and John Woods. Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. Includes contents, abstracts, and select free articles.
Asian Philosophy
An international journal concerned with the theoretical and applied philosophy of the Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Buddhist and Islamic traditions. Edited by Indira Mahalingam Carr and Brian Carr. Published three times per year by Carfax Publishing. Includes contents since 1996 and abstracts since 2000.
Australasian Journal of Philosophy
Quarterly journal of the Australasian Association of Philosophy, based at the Victoria University of Wellington, and published by Oxford University Press. Contents, abstracts, and full-text online at publisher's site.
Annual journal providing a forum for articles on the ethical questions raised by current issues in bioethics. Edited by Ruth Chadwick and Udo Schüklenk. Published on behalf of the Journal of the International Association of Bioethics by Blackwell Publishing.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
Quarterly journal concerned with the history of philosophy and related intellectual history from the ancient world to the early decades of the 20th Century. Edited by G. A. J. Rogers, and published by Routledge. Includes contents since 2000.
Contemporary Philosophy
Journal exploring philosophical approaches to social and global problems. Published six times per year by Realia, a New Hampshire non-profit organization dedicated to using philosophy as a guide in helping to solve humanity's problems. Contents of recent volumes online.
Continental Philosophy Review
Continental Philosophy Review, formerly "Man and World," encourages discussions regarding theoretical and practical issues in phenomenology and contemporary continental philosophy. Edited by Robert C. Scharff, and published quarterly by Kluwer Academic Publishers. Contents and abstracts since 1997.
Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studie
Journal exploring the categories and concepts of difference and diversity in texts ranging from the literary and the visual to the political and social. Edited by Naomi Schor, Elizabeth Weed, and Ellen Rooney. Published three times a year by Duke University Press.
Quarterly international journal of moral, political, and legal philosophy. Edited by John Deigh, and published by the University of Chicago Press. Includes contents from current and past issues.
Harvard Review of Philosophy
Professional journal of philosophy published annually by undergraduates at Harvard University.
Human Studies
Quarterly journal of philosophy and the social sciences, exploring the logic of inquiry, methodology, epistemology of social science practices. Phenomenological perspectives, broadly defined, are a primary, though not an exclusive focus. Edited by George Psathas, and official journal of the Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences. Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. Includes contents and abstracts.
Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy
The only journal for scholarly research at the intersection of philosophy and women's studies. Edited by Hilde Lindemann Nelson, and published by the Indiana University Press. Contents and sample articles available.
Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosoph
Inquiry attempts to foster an exchange across the various internal boundaries and barriers that characterize philosophy. Edited by Wayne Martin, and published six times per year by Routledge. Includes contents and abstracts.
Journal of Applied Philosophy
Official journal of the British Society for Applied Philosophy, which promotes philosophical study and research that has a direct bearing on areas of practical concern. Edited by Suzanne Uniacke and Sandra Marshall, and published three times a year by Blackwell Publishing. Includes contents for issues through 1998.
Journal of Philosophy of Education
Quarterly journal examining the fundamental philosophical issues connected with education. Edited by Paul Standish. Published on behalf of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain by Blackwell Publishing. Contents and abstract for issues since 1996.
Journal of the History of Philosophy
Quarterly journal devoted to the history of Western Philosophy, broadly conceived. Associated with the Duke University Philosophy Department. Edited by Tad M. Schmalz, and published by Johns Hopkins University Press. Includes journal contents since October 1963.
Law and Philosophy
Journal, published six times a year, for articles related to legal philosophy and jurisprudence, and open to articles in any of the major legal traditions. Edited by Heidi M. Hurd and Michael S. Moore. Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. Includes contents and abstracts for current and past issues.
Linguistics and Philosophy
Journal focusing on issues related to structure and meaning in natural language, as addressed in the philosophy of language, linguistic semantics, syntax and related disciplines. Edited by Pauline Jacobson, and published six times per year by Kluwer Academic Publishers. Includes contents and abstracts.
Quarterly journal, with a special focus on epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of language, philosophy of logic, and philosophy of mind. Published for the Mind Association by Oxford University Press. Edited by M. G. F. Martin. Contents and abstracts available on publisher's site.
Quarterly journal, featuring articles on a wide range of philosophical topics, including metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and epistemology. Edited by Jaegwon Kim and Ernest Sosa. Published by Blackwell Publishing. Includes contents.
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
Journal of analytic philosophy covering all areas of philosophy, including epistemology, moral philosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, aesthetics and history of philosophy. Periodically, the journal devotes an issue to a specific topic of interest. Edited by Janet Levin, Sharon A. Lloyd and Kadri Vihvelin. Published on behalf of the School of Philosophy at the University of Southern California by Blackwell Publishing. Includes contents and abstracts since 1997.
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Quarterly interdisciplinary journal concerned with phenomenology, empirical science, and analytic philosophy of mind. Edited by Shaun Gallagher and Natalie Depraz, and published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. Site includes journal contents and abstracts.
Philosophical Explorations
An international journal for the philosophy of mind and action, which aims to provide a forum for analytically minded philosophers interested in genuine dialogue regarding continental philosophy and the social sciences. Edited by Jan Bransen. Published three times per year by Routledge. Includes contents.
Philosophical Investigations
Quarterly journal providing a forum for discussing any branch of philosophy. Edited by D. Z. Phillips, and published by Blackwell Publishing. Journal contents available at site.
Philosophical Review
Quarterly journal edited by John Rowehl and the faculty of the Sage School of Philosophy at Cornell University. Includes contents of recent issues.
Philosophy, a quarterly journal, is dedicated to building bridges between specialist philosophers and a wider educated public. Edited by Anthony O'Hear, and published on behalf of the Royal Institute of Philosophy by the Cambridige University Press. Select full-text articles available, and contents of all volumes at publisher's site.
Philosophy and Public Affairs
Quarterly journal, featuring articles on current political issues or public policy, especially regarding their philosophical dimensions. Edited by Charles R. Beitz and published by Blackwell Publishing. Includes contents for current volume.
Philosophy Now
Bi-monthly, non-academic publication with news, articles, and columns aimed at those with an interest in philosophy. Site features select full-text articles and contents archive.
Quarterly international journal for the study of ancient Greek and Roman thought (ancient philosophy, psychology, metaphysics, epistemology and the philosophy of science and medicine) from its origins down to the end of the sixth century A.D. Edited by K.A. Algra and C.J. Rowe, and published by Brill Academic Publishers. Published in English, though articles in other languages accepted.
Political Theory
International journal of political philosophy, published six times per year. Associated with the University of Virginia, and edited by Stephen K. White of political theory program. Published by Sage Publications.
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
The Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society contains the papers read at the Society's fortnightly meetings in London throughout the academic year and short discussion notes on these papers. Edited by Anthony Price, and published three times per year by Blackwell Publishing. Includes contents and abstracts.
Social Philosophy and Policy
Social Philosophy and Policy is an interdisciplinary journal that explores in each issue the philosophical underpinnings of an enduring social policy debate. The journal is edited by faculty at Bowling Green State University, and is published twice per year by the Cambridge University Press. Contents, including description of policy issue, available on site.
The Australian Journal of Professional and Applied
Official journal of the Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics. Edited by Andrew Alexandra. Published twice per year by the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at the Australian National University. Includes contents of current and past issues.
The British Journal of Aesthetics
Quarterly journal intended to provide an international forum for debate in aesthetics and the philosophy of art. Edited by Peter Lamarque. Published on behalf of the British Society of Aesthetics by Oxford University Press. Includes contents and abstracts of current and archived issues.
The Journal of Philosophy
Monthly journal with the purpose of publishing philosophical articles of current interest and encourage the interchange of ideas, especially the exploration of the borderline between philosophy and other disciplines. Edited by John Smylie, and published by the Journal of Philosophy, Inc. Includes index of recent issues, and extensive information on the journal.
The Philosopher
The Philosopher is the oldest general Philosophy Journal in the world, and attempts to publish accessible articles that are philosophical in method. Associated with the Philosophical Society of England. Site includes journal contents and selected full-text articles.
The Philosophical Quarterly
Quarterly journal covering all areas of philosophy. Edited by Stephen Read. Published by Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the University Court of St. Andrews and of the Scots Philosophical Club. Contents and abstracts available.