Pragmatists, Adventures in Philosophy: American Pragmatism, At the End of Pragmatism, Catholic Encyclopedia: Pragmatism, Columbia Encyclopedia: Pragmatism, Pragmatism and Umwelt-Theory, Pragmatism: Right for Postmodern America?, The Pragmatism Cybrary, Wikipedia: Pragmatism
Bibliographies, Course : Social Knowledge, Education and Social Epistemology, EPISTEME - A Journal of Social Epistemology, Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, HPS Research Methods Guide: Social Epistemology, Social Epistemology, Social Epistemology - A journal of knowledge, cult, Society for Social Studies of Science
20th WCP: Theory of Knowledge
Archive of contributed papers in the subject area of Theory of Knowledge from the Proceedings of the 20th World Congress of Philosophy (The Paideia Project).
Ancient Skepticism
Two movements in ancient philosophy, Pyrrhonism, and Academic Skepticism. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Leo Groarke.
Applied Solipsism
Home to "The Undefinable Ribbon Campaign", which explains and accepts the paradox that results from both being solipsist and having one's web site.
Bayes' Theorem
Discussion of a formula to calculate conditional probabilities which figures in subjectivist approaches to epistemology; from the Stanford Encyclopedia by James Joyce.
Bayesian Epistemology
Epistemological movement based on Bayesian confirmation and decision theory; from the Stanford Encyclopedia by William Talbott.
Bohm, Bell, and Boom! Quantum Mechanics and the En
From History and Philosophy of Science, Fall, 1997. By Dr. Ess.
Coherence, Certainty, and Epistemic Priority
By Roderick Firth.
Metaphysical and epistemological accounts of color. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Barry Maund.
Syllabus for a Yale University seminar on epistemology.
Introduction to epistemology from Principia Cybernetica.
Essays on epistemology from the Proceedings of the Friesian School, Fourth Series.
Epistemology Topics Page
Directory of mostly online Encyclopedia articles, from EpistemeLinks.
Evolutionary Epistemology
Survey of naturalistic epistemology which emphasizes importance of natural selection; from the Stanford Encyclopedia by Michael Bradie and William Harms
Formal Learning Theory
Discusses mathematical approaches to normative epistemology; from the Stanford Encyclopedia by Oliver Schulte.
Foundationalist Theories of Epistemic Justificatio
Survey of theories according to which knowledge and justified belief rest ultimately on a foundation of noninferential knowledge or justified belief. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Richard Fumerton.
Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?
Classic short paper by Edmund Gettier.
James Pryor
James Pryor's homepage. It includes online papers and detailed lecture notes.
KLI Theory Lab
Data base that allows scientific literature search in the domain of evolution and cognition, thus indexing the litterature in Evolutionary Epistemology.
Knowledge, Justification, and Truth
Laurence BonJour's dissertation.
Qualia are introspectively accessible, phenomenal aspects of our mental lives. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Michael Tye.
Representation, Meaning and Truth
Considering the function of Language throws some light on the concepts of Meaning and Truth.
Rhetoric and Epistemology
Short introduction by Nathan Floyd.
Sextus Empiricus's Outlines of Pyrrhonism
A short paper by Alex Scott on the ancient school of skepticism.
Article examining the various forms of skepticism. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Peter Klein.
Teaching Theory of Knowledge
A booklet for teaching theory of knowledge. It includes a list of topics in epistemology with an introduction and a reading list for each.
The Analysis of Knowledge
Survey of analyses of the concept of knowledge, including justified true belief and the Gettier problem; from the Stanford Encyclopedia by Matthias Steup.
The Epistemology Page
A collection of epistemology resources, including other directories, online papers, and graduate programs strong in epistemology.
The Epistemology Research Guide
Directory of links by Keith Korcz, including online papers.
The Wysiwyg Universe
The nature of Reality is cast against two postulates: that experience is the only reality for an observer; and that there is no reality other than experience.
Theory of Knowledge
Course taught by James Pryor at Princeton University; includes handouts and lecture notes.
Theory of Knowledge by Bertrand Russell
Bertrand Russell's entry on The Theory of Knowledge for the 1926 edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Virtue Epistemology
An approach in epistemology that applies the resources of virtue theory to problems in the theory of knowledge. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by John Greco.