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Complete Yoga Darsana
Dedicated to the scholarly research into the philosophy of Patanjala Yoga. Ongoing translation of Yoga-sutras of Patanjali with many classical commentaries including Yoga-bhasya of Vyasa, Tattva-vaisaradi of Vacaspati Misra, Yoga-varttika of Vijnana Bhiksu, Raja-martanda of Bhojaraja, etc.
Hrih Net
A comprehensive Yoga-related resource offering weekly journal, forums, directory of multilanguage translations of Yoga-sutra and commentaries.
Samkhya Aphorisms of Kapila - Book 1
Dr. Ballantyne's translation of the Samkhya Sutra of Kapila, edited by Nimish Shah.
Samkhya Doctrine and History
Features an article outlining the Samkhya metaphysics and traces its history from the Upanishadic period to the 15th century.
Samkhya Karika
Earliest book on Samkhya (around 3 AD), Samkhya Karika, authored by Ishvarakrishna.
Samkhya Philosophy
Based on Worthington's 'A History of Yoga' (1982), the brief article explains the Samkhya premise on Prakriti and the Gunas.
Samkhya Theory of Matter
Provides information on the Samkhya distinction of Prakriti and Purusha, and insights into how Prakriti exists for the liberation of Purusha
Samkhya Yoga
Lord Krishna's advice to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita to follow the path of Samkhya-Yoga.
Samkhya Yoga from the Bhagavad Gita
English translation of chapter VI on Samkhya Yoga from the Bhagavad Gita by Srila Prabhupada.
Samkhya Yoga revisited
Brief history of the Samkhya Yoga movement from its creation until its demise, a period covering about 2500 years.
Traditional Yoga Studies
Features 120+ articles on Samkhya-Yoga and related darsanas, translations, and excerpts from the online Encyclopedia of Yoga authored by Georg Feuerstein.
Yoga-sutra-bhasya-vivarana of Sankara Acarya
Trevor Leggett's translation of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali within the context of the Sankara's commentary on Vyasa-bhasya. Contains also extracts from Vivarana and Yoga archive.