An Existential Philosopher's Museum
Many themes explored from an existential perspective: love, sexology, spirituality, Unitarian Universalism, medical ethics, & death. Over 500 rooms to explore.
Characters in Dostoevsky and Sartre
An examination of self-conscious writing in "Notes from Underground" and "Nausea."
Existential Psychology
A short essay introduction.
Existentialism and Absurdism
Brief discussion of existentialist literature from the Thumbnail Lecture series.
Existentialism and Human Emotions
Illustrated guide to Sartre's book.
Existentialism: A Primer
Existentialist resources with notes and commentary on individual thinkers.
French and German Existentialists.
Short introduction with links to biographies.
MSN Learning & Research: Existentialism
A review of its themes and influences.
My Little Corner of Existentialism
A personal summary.
Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosop
Professional organization supporting philosophy inspired by continental European traditions. Call for papers, events calendar, and organization information.
The Cry
Online philosophy magazine; includes existentialist and surrealist resources.
The Philosophy of Existentialism
Existentialism at Adventures in Philosophy, a section of The Radical Academy.
The Realm Of Existentialism
An introduction, with phenomenology and analysis of various schools of thought.
Thinkers in Existentialism
Synopsis of the major existential philosophers.
Webring of Existentialism
Internet index of colinking pages.