Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, National Council of YMCA s of Bangladesh, Y's Men International - Mid West India Region, YMCA Japan, YMCA of Hong Kong
Central YMCA Club, European Alliance of YMCA, German YMCA in London, Lisbon YMCA, National Council of YMCAs of Wales, Romford YMCA, YMCA Glasgow (Scotland), YMCA Novosibirsk Performing and Creative Arts Yout, YMCAs in England
Indian Guide and Princesses
Acowie Tribe, Algonquin Longhouse, Arapahoe Nation, Broken Lance South Nation, Chandler/Gilbert Y-Guides, Charlotte Y-Guides Meckcha Federation, Farmington YMCA Y-Guide Programs, Friends Forever, Geauga YMCA Indian Nation, Great Hunting Valley YMCA
Aquarena Aquatic and Leisure Centre, Victoria, YMCA Australia, YMCA New Zealand, YMCA of Darwin, NT, YMCA of Hobart, Tasmania
Youth and Government
California YMCA Youth and Government, Illinois YMCA Youth and Government, Minnesota YMCA Youth in Government, Missouri YMCA Youth In Government, Montana YMCA Youth and Government, Oklahoma YMCA Youth and Government, Virginia YMCA, Wisconsin YMCA Youth In Government Program
World Alliance of YMCAs
Formed by YMCA National Councils. Works with YMCA movements in 120 countries worldwide. Headquarters located in Geneva, Switzerland.
Y's Men International
Coordinating body for service clubs associated with individual YMCAs worldwide.
YMCA World Service - International Programs and Pa
Supports projects and partnerships with YMCAs in 120 countries, meeting the most urgent needs of YMCAs around the world while fostering self-reliance. A program of the YMCA of the USA.
YMCA World Urban Network
An association of CEOs of large, urban YMCAs around the world.