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Junior League of Long Beach
Women's advocacy group for children. History, fund raisers, projects including children's health education and work for the homeless.
Junior League of Monterey County
A leader in education and advocacy for women's and children's health and wellbeing; our hands-on approach included partnerships with The Family Service Agency (started as The Family Resource Center), The Salinas Adult Day Care Center, the Monterey County Youth Museum (MY Museum), and the Silent Witness Exhibit.
Junior League of Oakland-East Bay, Inc.
Find out about projects such as the signature project "Read to Succeed" partnering with Girls, Inc and the YMCA; also offers details on fundraising events, sponsors, and members.
Junior League of Orange County, CA
Trained volunteer women...building a brighter future for children.
Junior League of Palo Alto Mid Peninsula
Helping to create projects that benefit the community and then reintegrate those projects back into the committee to create long term benefit. The JLPA·MP has created a strong legacy of ground-breaking projects.
Junior League of Pasadena
The current focus area of the JLP is "nurturing children through family support." Throughout its 73-year history the JLP has contributed thousands of volunteer hours and over $3.5 million to a wide range of programs within the San Gabriel Valley and beyond.
Junior League of San Diego
Contributes over 60,000 volunteer hours each year; find out about programs, events, and history.
Junior League of San Francisco
Each year the Junior League of San Francisco contributes thousands of hours to supporting families and the JLSF fights against abuse through empowering women with support, shelter, and safety for the duration of their transition to independence. Working with groups such as Family Connections, the Canal Community Alliance, the Edgewood Family Center and Kinship Support, the League plays a meaningful role in the community through its many projects.
Junior League of San Jose
Women in Action... Voluntarism at its best...Projects are developed after careful consideration and research of an unmet community need that falls within the focus area of the "Family Unit". Each project provides initial and ongoing training to the members as well as high-quality service to its clients.
Junior League of Santa Barbara
Committed to breaking the cycles of violence in the population of children and youth in high-risk situations.
The Junior League of Los Angeles
Projects begun by the League offer community partners administrative guidance, strategic planning, volunteer support and financial resources.
The Junior League of Sacramento
Focusing efforts on the self-esteem building and mentoring of children.